
Working papers under submission


Markup Estimation using Production and Demand Data. An Application to the US Brewing Industry, w/ P. T. Scott, December 2022.

Productivity and Capital Measurement Error, w/ A. Collard-Wexler, November 2021.

Global Market Power, w/  J. Eeckhout,  2018.

Quantifying Market Power and Business Dynamism in the Macroeconomy, w/ J. Eeckhout and Simon Mongey, 2022.

Are Managers Paid for Market Power?, w/ and R. Bao and J. Eeckhout, 2022.

Working papers

Identification of Production Functions under Imperfect Competition, w/ D. Ackerberg, 2021.

Markups and Mergers in the US Hospital  Industry, w/ S. Fleitas, 2021.

Work in Progress

The Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel, w/ A. Collard-Wexler and J. Asker, 2021.

The Anatomy of Costs and Firm Performance. Evidence from Belgium, w/ C. Fuss, N.Quiller-Doust and L. Treuren, 2023.


Published & Forthcoming

An Industrial Organization Perspective on Productivity, w/ C. Syverson, September 2021,  Handbook of Industrial Organization (vol IV).

Firms, w/ T. Obermeier and J. Van Reenen (2021), IFS Deaton Review.

Comment on Bond et al (2021), 2021, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 121, 15-18.

The Rise of Market Power and the Macroeconomic Implications, 2020, w/ J. Eeckhout, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol 135 (2). (NBER working paper version - Full paper with additional Appendices).

(Mis)Allocation, Market Power, and Global Oil Extraction, 2019,  w/ J. Asker and A. Collard-Wexler,  The American Economic Review, 109(4).

The Effect of International Competition on Firm Productivity and Market Power, 2018, w/ J. Van Biesebroeck, Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis, Forthcoming.

Prices, Markups and Trade Reform, 2016, w/ P. Goldberg, A. Khandelwal and N. Pavcnik, Econometrica, Vol. 84, No. 2 (March), 445-510.

Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the US Steel Industry, 2015, with A. Collard-Wexler, The American Economic Review, vol 105, No. 1 (January), 131-171.

Dynamic Inputs and Resource (Mis)Allocation, 2014, w/ J.Asker and A. Collard-Wexler, The Journal of Political Economy, vol. 122, no. 5 (October) (Online Appendix, and Commentary on related literature).

Firm Performance in a Global Market, 2014, w/ P. Goldberg, The Annual Review of Economics, volume 6, 201-227.

Detecting Learning by Exporting, 2013, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 5 No. 3 (August), 1-21.

Markups and Firm-level Export Status, 2012, w/ F. Warzynski, The American Economic Review, Vol. 102, No. 6. (October), 2437-2471.

Product Differentiation, Multi-Product Firms and Estimating the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Productivity, 2011, Econometrica, Vol. 79, No. 5 (September), 1407–1451.

Recovering Markups from Production Data, 2011, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29 (Special issue 37th EARIE), 350–355.

Merger Review: How Much of Industry is Affected in an International Perspective?, 2008, w/  J. Konings and P. VanCayseele, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 8 (1), 1-19. 

Do Exports Generate Higher Productivity? Evidence from Slovenia, 2007, Journal of International Economics, 73, September, 69–98.

Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in an Emerging Economy, 2006, w/ J. Konings, European Journal of Political Economy, vol 22, 388-408.


Other Publications

Markup and price dynamics: linking micro to macro, w/ C. Fuss and J. Van Biesebroeck, 2018, NBB WP.

International competition and firm performance: Evidence from Belgium, w/ C. Fuss and J. Van Biesebroeck, 2014, NBB WP.

Global Integration and Technology Transfer, Journal of Economic Literature, September 2007.

Productivity Analysis using Micro Data: Where do we Stand?, Background Chapter World Bank, 2016. (email for a draft).