
PhD supervision

Nathaniel Torres, topic: The structure of Finnish noun phrases (2019-)

MA supervision

Henrietta Pokk, title: Klitikumok a spanyolban [Clitic pronouns in Spanish] (2024)

László Pálfalvi, title: OV to VO in the diachrony of Hungarian (2023)

Lili Hargitai, title: The zitten progressive in Dutch (2023)

Flóra Hegyi, title: Case assignment in Hungarian nonfinite structures: Dependent Case Theory and its application to Hungarian possessives (2022)

BA supervision

Henrietta Pokk, title: Az -atta, -ette képzős határozói igenév az ómagyarban [Old Hungarian -atta, -ette adverbial participles] (2022)

Anna Lovas, title: A szintetikus passzív a magyarban [Synthetic passives in Hungarian] (2020)

Courses at Eötvös University

2024 spring       Syntax 3       Minimalist syntax

2023 autumn       Syntax 2       Hungarian and Uralic syntax (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

2023 spring       Syntax 3       Diachronic linguistics: cross-linguistic and Hungarian perspectives (with Henrietta Pokk)

2022 autumn       Syntax 2       Advanced syntax (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

2022 spring       Syntax 3       Morphology (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

2021 autum       Syntax 2       Linguistic Typology                       Tutorial seminar

2021 spring          Syntax 3        Structures and dependencies    Tutorial seminar            LaTeX (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

2020 autumn       Syntax 2        The structure of NP                      Tutorial seminar           Linguistic practice

2020 spring          Syntax 3        Intro to Minimalism                      Tutorial seminar            

2019 autumn        Syntax 2       Hungarian syntax                         Tutorial seminar

2019 spring           Syntax 3

2018 autumn        Syntax 2

2018 spring           Syntax 3        Hungarian syntax

2017 autumn        Syntax 2

2017 spring           Syntax 3        Intro to Minimalism

2016 autumn        Syntax 2        Head movement  

2016 spring           Syntax 3

2015 autumn        Syntax 2

2014 autumn        Syntax

Courses at the University of Tromso

2009 spring        Syntax

2008 spring        Syntax (with Naoyuki Yamato)

Courses at the University of Debrecen

2021 autumn    The syntax of DP 

Summer Schools

2016 summer    The structure of DP, with special reference to Hungarian (the EGG)