

Dékány, Éva. 2021. The Hungarian nominal functional sequence [download the table of contents in pdf or the promotional flyer]   

Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 100, Springer

Final chapter files (24 August 2020). Please note that pagination in the published version is slightly different than in the files below.

This book supersedes my 2001 dissertation A profile of the Hungarian DP. Please read/cite the book instead of the dissertation.

                               Chapter 1: Introduction                                               [pdf]

                               Chapter 2: The Functional Sequence up to QP        [pdf]

                               Chapter 3: The Functional Sequence above QP      [pdf]

                               Chapter 4: Possessive DPs                                          [pdf]

                               Chapter 5: Pronouns                                                    [pdf]

                               Chapter 6: Conclusions                                                [pdf]

Edited volumes and special issues


    Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins.


Journal articles


MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

    Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2(1): 74–95.

    Folia Linguistica 54(1): 1–43.

     Acta Linguistica Academica 66(3): 309–334.

    Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics 7(2): 39–75.

    Glossa 3 (1): 65. 1–43.

    Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 36(2): 365–400.

    Syntax 21(1): 37–71.

   Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok 27: 47–69.

    Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33(4): 1121–1168. (OA  version on the journal's home page)

    Acta Linguistica Hungarica 61(3): 317–361.

     Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 108: 209–242. 

     In: Márton Sóskuthy (ed.), The Odd Yearbook 8. ELTE SEAS Undergraduate papers in Linguistics. 39–78.

     Nordlyd 36 (1):  41–76.

     Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 105: 298–311.

    Nordlyd 35 (1): 1–17.


Chapters in edited volumes

In: Lauren Clemens, Vera Gribanova & Gregory Scontras (eds.), Syntax in Uncharted Territories: Essays in Honor of Maria Polinsky. eScholarship.

    In: Anne Tamm and Anne Vainikka (eds.), Uralic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    In Sjef Barbiers, Norbert Corver and Maria Polinsky (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of comparative syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge 

    University Press. 

In Adam Ledgeway, Edith Aldridge, Anne Breitbarth, Katalin É Kiss, Joseph Salmons and Alexandra Simonenko (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to

 Diachronic Linguistics. Wiley Blackwell.

In Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 53, Vol 1, 191204. Amherst: GLSA.

    In Yuqiao  Du, Zhuo Chen, Xiangyu Li, Zetao Xu and Victor Junnan Pan (eds.), Proceedings of GLOW in Asia XIII. Hong Kong: Department

    of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 4858.

     In Breanna Pratley, Özge Bakay, Eva Neu and Peyton Deal (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 52. Volume 1. Amherst: GLSA. 245–258.

    In Masashi Kawashima, Hideki Kishimoto, Kazushige Moriyama (eds.), Papers from the International Workshop on Secondary 

    Predication 2021. Kobe: Department of Linguistics, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University. 1–22.

     In Bárány, András, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas and Sten Vikner (eds.). Syntactic architecture and its consequences. Vol. 3: Inside

     syntax. Berlin: Language Science Press. 457–488.

    In Katalin É. Kiss and Veronika Hegedűs (eds.), Syntax of Hungarian: Postpositions and postpositional phrases.  Amsterdam: Amsterdam

    University Press. 193–249.

     In Katalin É. Kiss and Veronika Hegedűs (eds.),  Syntax of Hungarian: Postpositions and postpositional phrases.  Amsterdam: Amsterdam

     University Press. 11–191.

     In Thórhallur Eythórsson and Jóhannes Gisli Johnsson (eds.),  Syntactic Features and the Limits of Syntactic Change. Oxford: Oxford

     University Press. 40–63.

     In Artemis Alexiadou and Hagit Borer (eds.), Nominalizations: 50 Years on from Chomsky's Remarks. Oxford: OUP. 169–202.

     In Katalin É. Kiss, Attila Hegedűs & Lilla Pintér (eds.), Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 4. PPKE BTK Elméleti Nyelvészeti Tanszék és Magyar

     Nyelvészeti Tanszék. Budapest – Piliscsaba. 41–75.

     In Kenesei István (ed.), Nyelv, biológia, szabadság: A 90 éves Chomsky jelentősége a tudományban és azon túl. Gondolat: Budapest. 27–53.

     In Gábor Alberti and Tibor Lazckó (ed.), Syntax of Hungarian: Nouns and Noun Phrases, Vol 2. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


     In Anikó Lipták and Harry van der Hulst (eds.), Approaches to Hungarian 15: Papers from the 2015 Leiden conference. Amsterdam /

     Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 65–94.

     In Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Ulrike Demske (eds.), Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Diachronic Perspective. Trends in

     Linguistics.  Studies and Monographs. Mouton de Gruyter. 193–221.

    In Katalin É. Kiss, Balázs Surányi and Éva Dékány (eds.), Approaches to Hungarian 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba   conference

     Amsterdam / Philadephia: John Benjamins. 95–120.

     In Raffaele Simone and Francesca Masini (eds.), Word classes: nature, typology and representations. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory

     332). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  141–160.

     In Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), The evolution of functional left peripheries in Hungarian syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 148–223.

     In Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), Magyar generatív történeti mondattan [Hungarian historical generative grammar]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.


    In Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces. Berlin: Mouton. 231–244. 

Other publications

Magyar Tudomány 184(12): 1544–1565.


     Magyar Tudomány 181(12): 1688–1697.

     Magyar Tudomány 181(5): 703–712.

     Magyar Tudomány 180(7): 1064–1077.

     Magyar Tudomány 180(6): 926–929.

      Acta Linguistica Academica 66(3): 305–307.

     In: Katalin É. Kiss, Balázs Surányi and Éva Dékány (eds.), Approaches to Hungarian 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba conference


     Amsterdam / Philadephia: John Benjamins. 1–4.


     Glow Newsletter 66 spring


     In: Derya Çokal-Karadaş and Ferit Kılıçkaya (eds.), The 6th METU International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language

     Teaching proceedings. Ankara: Murat Kitabevi. 27–36. 



PhD thesis


Dékány, Éva. 2011.  A profile of the Hungarian DP: the interaction of lexicalization, agreement, and linearization with the functional sequence (also available on lingbuzz). CASTL, University of Tromso





Downloadable handouts and slides

GLOW in Asia XIII slides (proceedings paper here)

GLOW 44 slides and related NELS 52 slides (this research appeared in the proceedings of NELS 52)

GLOW 34 handout (this research has appeared as part of Chapter 2 of my Springer monograph)

EGG 2016, Handout 1: Functional projections in the DP. The lower portion

EGG 2016, Handout 2: Functional projections in the DP. The higher portion

EGG 2016, Handout 3: Possessive noun phrases

EGG 2016, Handout 4: Relative clauses

EGG 2016, Handout 5: Noun phrases within PPs