

Hans Degryse is Professor of Finance at the Department of Accountancy, Finance and Insurance of the KU Leuven. He is a research fellow at the CEPR, CESIfo, the European Banking Center (EBC), SUERF, and TILEC.  Before joining Leuven in 2012, he was professor of finance at Tilburg University.  His research focuses on financial intermediation, including empirical banking as well as theoretical and empirical market microstructure. He is member of the Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC) of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) (starting August 2024) and senior research advisor at the ECB.


He has published in many journals including the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, and the Economic Journal, and it has been presented in leading international conferences such as the American Finance Association, the Western Finance Association, the European Finance Association, and the Financial Intermediation Research Society. He co-authored, with Moshe Kim and Steven Ongena, the graduate textbook Microeconometrics of Banking: Methods, Applications and Results published by Oxford University Press.  


He is currently an associate editor of the International Review of Finance, the Journal of Banking and Finance, and the Journal of Financial Stability. In the past he served as an associate editor for the Review of Finance. 


My paper "The Disciplining Effect of Bank Supervision: Evidence from SupTech " (joint with Cédric Huylebroek and Bernardus Van Doornik) to be presented at the AFA2025 annual meetings

I will join the Advisory Scientific Committee of the ESRB in August 2024. Grateful fur the opportunity. 

"GSIB status and corporate lending" (with Mike Mariathasan (KU Leuven) and Thi Hien Tang (KU Leuven) has been accepted at the Journal of Corporate Finance

"When green meets green" (with Roman Goncharenko (KU Leuven), Carola Theunisz (KU Leuven), and Tamas Vadasz (KU Leuven)) has been accepted at the Journal of Corporate Finance 

My paper on "Asset Overhang and Technological Change" (joint with Tarik Roukny and Joris Tielens) is out as CEPR discussion paper - over here cepr.org/active/publications/discussion_papers/dp.php?dpno=17507 

My discussion of Thierry Foucault's chapter on 'Technology, Data, and Trading in Securities Markets' in the CEPR-IESE eBook by Darrell Duffie, Thierry Foucault, Laura Veldkamp and Xavier Vives (2022)  'The impact of technology on finance: A new eBook' can be found here 'https://voxeu.org/content/technology-and-finance


My intervention on the commission "finance and budget" of the Belgian Parliament on proposals to link the savings rate to the ECB rate -- in Dutch over here 


My contact details

University of Leuven                                             

Department of Accountancy, Finance and Insurance                                 

Naamsestraat 69                                                                                   

3000 Leuven                                                                                          


Email: Hans.Degryse at kuleuven.be 

Twitter: @degryse_hans                                           


My page at ssrn: http://ssrn.com/author=137216

My page at IDEAS: http://ideas.repec.org/f/pde418.html

My page at vox: http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/7322