Welcome to the 

DeForest Gridiron Club!


As parents & community members with a common love of DeForest football, we provide & recruit 

support for DeForest Norskies football and foster community through football and related activities

 in order to enhance the experience of football support of our Norski football teams at all levels

from Youth to Middle School to High School.  

Since 1996, the DeForest Gridiron Club strives to ensure each participant 

and person associated with the program has the best football experience possible 

and advance the program’s exceptional culture & values

Ways the Gridiron can support the program:

Weight Room Equipment + Services (Sports Advantage Athlete Performance Training)

Football Specific Equipment (3-Man & 5-Man Sleds)

Cutting Edge Safety Devices for Concussion Prevention

Facilities Improvements - Equipment Storage - Climate Control

We could use some help: 

Volunteers to work at the Concession stand, Spirit Store during games

Team Meal Coordinators: 1-2 for each Grade level

Website & Social Media Coordinator

Special Events Coordinator