
Lectures are in room 1140 (ground floor) of Pavillon Aisenstadt (2920 chemin de la tour).

First day of lectures: Monday August 3

Last day of lectures: Wednesday August 12

There will be lectures during the week-end, i.e., a total of 10 days of lectures.

The planned daily schedule is as follows:

8:30-9:00 refreshments

9:00-10:30 lecture 1

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:30 lecture 2

12:30-2:00 lunch break

2:00-3:30 lecture 3

3:30-4:00 coffee break

4:00-5:30 posters, deep learning programming tutorials, exercises, free time

Day 1, Mon, Aug 3

Pascal Vincent: Intro to ML (9:00-10:30)

Yoshua Bengio: Theoretical motivations for Representation Learning & Deep Learning (11:00-12:30)

Leon Bottou: Intro to multi-layer nets (2:00-3:30)

Posters Aug 3 (4:00-5:30):

Guillaume Alain (Université de Montréal): “Distributed Dropout in Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent”

Amjad Almahairi (Université de Montréal): “Dynamic Knowledge Distillation”

Christof Angermueller (University of Cambridge): “Multi-task Deep Neural Networks for predicting CpG methylation from high-dimensional biological data”

Gunes Baydin (National University of Ireland Maynooth): “DiffSharp: Automatic Differentiation Library”

Lucas Beyer (RWTH Aachen University): “Torch7 + Theano = Beacon8”

Parminder Bhatia (Georgia Tech): “Sentiment Analysis of Short Text - Sentence & User Representation Learning”

Yuri Burda (University of Toronto): “Improved training of variational autoencoders”

Heeyoul Choi (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology): “Improvements on LSTM”

Pradeep Dasigi (Carnegie Mellon University): “Ontologically grounded selectional preference autoencoders for modeling events”

Emily Denton (New York University): “Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks”

Michael Eickenberg (Université de Paris-Sud): “Convolutional Nets Map the Architecture of the Human Visual System”

Pablo Fonseca (University of Campinas): “A CNN approach to Breast Density Classification”

Mercedes Garcia (Université du Maine): “Class-based Continuous Space Language Model”

Ross Goroshin (New York University): “Learning to Linearize under Uncertainty”

Day 2, Tue, Aug 4

Hugo Larochelle: Neural nets and backprop (9:00-10:30)

Leon Bottou: Numerical optimization and SGD, Structured problems & reasoning (11:00-12:30)

Hugo Larochelle: Directed Graphical Models and NADE (2:00-3:30)

Intro to Theano (4:00-5:30)

Day 3, Wed, Aug 5

Aaron Courville: Intro to undirected graphical models (9:00-10:30)

Honglak Lee: Stacks of RBMs (11:00-12:30)

Pascal Vincent: Denoising and contractive auto-encoders, manifold view (2:00-3:30)

GPU Programming (4:00-5:30)

Day 4, Th, Aug 6

Roland Memisevic: Visual features (9:00-10:30)

Honglak Lee: Convolutional networks (11:00-12:30)

Graham Taylor: Learning similarity (2:00-3:30)

Posters Aug 6 (4:00-5:30):

Shixiang Gu (University of Cambridge): “Neural Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo”

Philip Haeusser (Technische Universität München): “FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks”

Anna Huang (Harvard University): “ChordRipple: Radical Chord Recommendations with chord2vec”

Jiwoong Im (Université de Montréal): “Conservativeness of untied auto-encoder”

Vamsi Ithapu (University of Wisconsin Madison): "Regularizing Deep networks via Matrix Completion”

Rico Jonschkowski (Technische Universität): “Learning State Representations with Robotic Priors”

Mikael Kageback (Chalmers University of Technology): “Neural context embeddings for automatic discovery of word senses”

Kazuya Kawakami (Carnegie Mellon University): “Learning to Representing Words in Context from Parallel Data for Improved Supersense


Suyoun Kim (Carnegie Mellon University): “Environmental Noise Embeddings for Robust Speech Recognition”

Kishore Reddy Konda (Goethe University Frankfurt): “Dropout as data augmentation”

Iryna Korshunova (Ghent University): “Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Convolutional Neural Networks”

David Krueger (Université de Montréal): “Speech Synthesis with Conditional Grammar Cells”

Angeliki Lazaridou (University of Trento): “Unveiling the Dreams of Word Embeddings: Towards Language-Driven Image Generation”

Kisuk Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): “Recursive 2D-3D Convolutional Networks for Neuronal Boundary Detection”

Conrado Miranda (University of Campinas): “Multi-Objective Optimization for Self-Adjusting Weighted Gradient in Machine Learning Tasks”

Day 5, Fri, Aug 7

Chris Manning: NLP 101 (9:00-10:30)

Graham Taylor: Modeling human motion, pose estimation and tracking (11:00-12:30)

Chris Manning: NLP / Deep Learning (2:00-3:30)

Theano programming, datasets with Fuel (4:00-5:30)

Day 6, Sat, Aug 8

Ruslan Salakhutdinov: Deep Boltzmann Machines (9:00-10:30)

Adam Coates: Speech recognition with deep learning (11:00-12:30)

Ruslan Salakhutdinov: Multi-modal models (2:00-3:30)

Posters Aug 8 (4:00-5:30):

Olof Mogren (Chalmers University of Technology): “Extractive Summarization by Aggregating Multiple Similarities”

Tsendsuren Munkhdalai (Chungbuk National University): “DeepText: End-to-end biomedical event extraction via deep learning and recursive projection model”

Natalia Neverova (INSA-Lyon / University of Guelph): “Hand pose estimation by deep transductive learning”

Minh Nguyen (Rice University): “A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning”

Makoto Otsuka (Castalia Co., Ltd.): “Dynamic Boltzmann machines with homeostatic spike-timing dependent plasticity”

Lionel Pigou (Ghent University): “Beyond Temporal Pooling: Recurrence and Temporal Convolutions for Gesture Recognition in Video”

Dan Rosenbaum (The Hebrew University): “The Return of the Gating Network: generative models and discriminative training in image priors”

Levent Sagun (New York University): “Explorations on high dimensional landscapes”

Joao Felipe Santos (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique): “Using convolutional and recurrent layers in deep neural networks for spectral speech enhancement”

Irina Sergienya (University of Munich): “Learning Better Embeddings for Rare Words Using Distributional Representations”

Soeren Kaae Soenderby (University of Copenhagen): “Transformer Networks for Classifying Sequences”

Ruben Villegas (University of Michigan): “Improving Object Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks via Bayesian Optimization and Structured”

Weizhong Yan (GE Global Research Center): “Deep Learning for Industrial Asset Condition Monitoring”

Wenpeng Yin (University of Munich): “Learning Word Meta-Embeddings by Combining Diverse Embedding Versions”

Asja Fischer (Université de Montréal): “Difference Target-Propagation”

Day 7, Sun, Aug 9

Ian Goodfellow: Structure of optimization problems (9:00-10:30)

Adam Coates: Systems issues and distributed training (11:00-12:30)

Ian Goodfellow: Adversarial examples (2:00-3:30)

Day 8, Mon, Aug 10

Phil Blunsom: From language modeling to machine translation (9:00-10:30)

Richard Socher: Recurrent neural networks (11:00-12:30)

Phil Blunsom: Memory, Reading, and Comprehension (2:00-3:30)

Theano debugging tools, conv. nets (4:00-5:30)

Day 9, Tue, Aug 11

Richard Socher: DMN for NLP (9:00-10:30)

Mark Schmidt: Smooth, Finite, and Convex Optimization (11:00-12:30)

Roland Memisevic: Visual Features II (2:00-3:30)

Theano implementation of iterations (scan), RNNs (4:00-5:30)

Day 10, Wed, Aug 12

Mark Schmidt: Non-Smooth, Non-Finite, and Non-Convex Optimization (9:00-10:30)

Aaron Courville: VAEs and deep generative models for vision (11:00-12:30)

Yoshua Bengio: Generative models from auto-encoders (2:00-3:30)

Theano programming: overflow session (4:00-5:00)

Farewell party (5:00-) registration form