
Intergenerational mobility around the world: A new database

with Christoph Lakner, Daniel Gerszon Mahler, Ambar Narayan, and Rakesh Gupta

Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming

Measuring intragenerational mobility using aggregate data

with Aart Kraay

Journal of Economic Growth, 27, pp. 273-314 (2022)

Is predicted data a viable alternative to real data?

with Tomoki Fujii 

World Bank Economic Review, 34, pp. 485-508  (2020)

Inequality is bad for growth of the poor (but not for that of the rich)

with Branko Milanovic

World Bank Economic Review, 32, pp. 507-530  (2018)

Is inequality underestimated in Egypt? Evidence from house prices 

with Christoph Lakner and Elena Ianchovichina

Review of Income and Wealth, 64, pp. 55-79  (2018)

Importing high food prices by exporting: Rice prices in Lao PDR 

with Dick Durevall

Journal  of Agricultural Economics, 68, pp. 164-181  (2017)

Estimating quarterly poverty rates using labor force surveys: A primer

with Mohamed Douidich, Abdeljaouad Ezzrari and Paolo Verme

World Bank Economic Review, 30, pp. 475-500  (2016)

Methods of moment estimation of GO-GARCH models

with Peter Boswijk

Journal of Econometrics, 163, pp. 118-126  (2011)

A note on different approaches to index number theory 

with Matthijs van Veelen

American Economic Review, 98 (4), pp. 1722-1730  (2008)

E&F Chaos: a user friendly software package for nonlinear economic dynamics 

with Cees Diks, Cars Hommes and Valentyn Panchenko 

Computational Economics, 32, pp. 221-244  (2008)

Herding, a-synchronous updating, and heterogeneity in memory in a CBS 

with Cees Diks

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29 (4), pp. 741-763  (2005)

GO-GARCH: A multivariate generalized orthogonal GARCH model 

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 17, pp. 549-564 (2002)