
Moral Incentives in Credit Card Debt Repayment: Evidence from a Field Experiment

with Leonardo Bursztyn, Stefano Fiorin, and Daniel Gottlieb

Journal of Political Economy, 127(4): 1641-1683 (2019)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files | Slides

Status Goods: Experimental Evidence from Platinum Credit Cards

with Leonardo Bursztyn, Bruno Ferman, Stefano Fiorin, and Gautam Rao

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3): 1561-1595 (2018)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files | Slides

Workplace Signaling and Financial Commitment

with Emily Breza and Leora Klapper

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 108: 438-443 (2018) 

Supplementary appendix | Replication files

The Economic Effects of a Borrower Bailout

with Xavier Giné

Review of Financial Studies, 31(5): 1752-1783 (2018)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files

What Does Debt Relief Do for Development? Evidence from India's Bailout for Rural Households 

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(4): 66-99 (2016)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files

Incentivizing Calculated Risk-Taking: An Experiment with Commercial Bank Loan Officers

with Shawn Cole and Leora Klapper

Journal of Finance, 70(2): 537-575 (2015)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files

Working Papers

Learning to Navigate a New Financial Technology

with Emily Breza and Leora Klapper, (2022)

Revise and resubmit, Journal of Finance

Macroeconomic Expectations and Credit Card Spending

with Mikhail Galashin and Ricardo Perez-Truglia, (2022)

Revise and resubmit, Review of Financial Studies

How Do Borrowers Respond to a Debt Moratorium? Evidence from Consumer Loans in India

with Stefano Fiorin and Joseph Hall

Western Finance Association Elsevier Best Paper Award (2024)

Reviews and Book Chapters

Debt Relief for Households in Developing Economies

with Sasha Indarte

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 40(1): 139-159 (2024)

Supplementary appendix | Replication files

Selected Work in Progress

Social Preferences and the Response to Government Transfers

with Thomas Fujiwara and Priya Mukherjee