Hiau Looi Kee

Development Research Group

World Bank

Hiau Looi Kee is a Lead Economist with the Trade Team of the World Bank Research Department. Her research focuses on trade, productivity and growth at the firm and aggregate level. Her current projects include studying the domestic value added in exports, shared-supplier spillovers of FDI, and a large scale estimations of import demand elasticities, ad valorem equivalent of non-tariff measures and trade restrictiveness indexes. Her work has been published in top economics journals, such as the American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of International Economics. She has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Davis.

Contact Information

Development Research Group

The World Bank

1818 H Street NW

Washington, DC 20433

Phone: +1 (202) 473-4155
