
Journal Articles

Corruption in Customs

with C. Chalendard, A. Fernandes and G. Raballand

Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Labor Supply Responses to Illness Shocks: Evidence from High-Frequency Labor Market Data in Ghana

with R. Heath, and G. Mansuri

Journal of Human Resources 2022, Vol 57 (1): 143-177.

Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts

with J.J. Andersen and N. Johannesen

Journal of Political Economy 2021, Vol 132(2): 388-425.

Does Democratization Promote Competition? Evidence from Indonesia

with M. Hallward-Driemeier and A. Kochanova

Economic Journal 2021, Vol 131 (640): 3296-3332.

Measuring Employment: Experimental Evidence from Ghana

with R. Heath, G. Mansuri, D. Sharma and W. Seitz

World Bank Economic Review 2021, Vol 35(3):635-651.

Household Impacts of Tariffs: Data and Results from Agricultural Trade Protection

with E. Artuc and G. Porto

World Bank Economic Review 2021, Vol 35(3):563-585.

Who on Earth Can Work from Home?

with D. Garrote Sanchez, N. Gomez Parra, C. Ozden, M. Viollaz and H. Winkler

World Bank Research Observer, 2021, Vol 36(1): 67-100.

Trading Off the Income Gains and Inequality Costs of Trade Policy

with E. and G. Porto

Journal of International Economics 2019, Vol 120:1-178.

All in the Family: State Capture in Tunisia

with C. Freund and A. Nucifora

Journal of Development Economics, 2017, Vol 124:41-59.

Political Connections and Tariff Evasion: Evidence from Tunisia

with L. Baghdadi and G. Raballand

World Bank Economic Review 2017, Vol 31(2):459-482

Can Minimum Wages Close The Gender Wage Gap? Firm-level evidence from Indonesia

with M. Hallward-Driemeier and A. Waxman,

Review of Income and Wealth, 2017, Series 63, No.2:310-334.

Do Employers' Responses to Crises Impact Men and Women Differently? Firm-level Evidence from Indonesia

with M. Hallward-Driemeier and A. Waxman,

Review of Development Economics, 2017, Vol 21(4):1018-1056.

Risky Business: Political Instability and Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment in the Arab World

with M. Burger and E. Ianchovichina,

World Bank Economic Review 2016, Vol.30 (2):306-331.

Deals and Delays: Firm-Level Evidence on Corruption and Policy Implementation Times

with C. Freund and M. Hallward-Driemeier

World Bank Economic Review 2016, Vol. 30 (2):354-382.

Heterogeneity in Subjective Wellbeing: an Application to Occupational Allocation in Africa

with Paolo Falco, William Maloney and Mauricio Sarrias

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, Vol 111: 137-153.

Which Firms Create the Most Jobs in Developing Countries? Evidence from Tunisia

with H. Arouri, C. Freund and A. Nucifora

Labour Economics, 2014, Vol. 31:84-102.

Episodes of Unemployment Reduction in Rich, Middle-Income and Transition Economies

with C. Freund

Journal of Comparative Economics, 2014, Vol. 42(4): 907-923.

Do Crises Catalyze Creative Destruction? Firm-level Evidence from Indonesia

with M. Hallward-Driemeier

The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, Vol. 95(5):1788-1810.

The Effects of Risk and Shocks on Non-Farm Enterprise Development in Rural Ethiopia

with M. Söderbom

World Development, 2013, Vol 45:119-136.

Gender and Rural Non-farm Entrepreneurship

with R. Costa

World Development, 2012, Vol 40, No 12:2411-2426.

Coping with Crises: Policies to Protect Employment and Earnings with Pierella Paci and Ana Revenga

with D. Garrote Sanchez, N. Gomez Parra, C. Ozden, M. Viollaz and H. Winkler

World Bank Research Observer, 2010, Vol 27, Issue 2:106-141.

A Rural-Urban Comparison of Ethiopian Manufacturing Firms

with J. Loening and M. Söderbom

World Development, 2010, Vol 38, No 9:1278-1296.

Who Benefits from Promoting SMEs? Some Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia

with F. Teal and C. Ruggeri Laderchi

World Development, 2010, Vol. 8, No 4:523-540.

Non-Refereed Publications

Are Politically Connected Firms More Likely to Evade Taxes? Evidence from Tunisia

with Hassen Arouri and Leila Baghdadi

World Bank Economic Review30, ABCDE Supplement, 2017.


Working Toward Better Pay: Earnings Dynamics in Ghana and Tanzania with Paulo Falco, Andrew Kerr and Pierella Paci, 2014.

Permanent Working Papers

Market Integration and Structural Transformation in a Poor Rural Economy

with M. Söderbom

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 4946. (2010).

Nonfarm microenterprise performance and the investment climate: evidence from rural Ethiopia

with Mans Söderbom and J. Loening

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 4577. (2009).