



A statistical service, supported by strong web-based technology for basic data analysis, presentation and writing services using the software listed below.

    • Interests: Public health, physical activity, overweight, injury, diabetes.

    • Presentation and editing packages: Microsoft Office; Word, Publisher and PowerPoint.

    • Data analysis packages: Microsoft Excel plus other online tools [see favourite links].

    • Literature Searching: Broadband access to The Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Clinicians Health Channel, PEDro and others.

Statistical Advice

Refer to the webpage; favourite links for websites that I

recommend for statistical data analysis and for obtaining

other information.


I wish to thank all those people who’ve assisted me and/or

encouraged me both professionally and personally and there

are a few.

Professionally in particular I would like to acknowledge my

dissertation supervisors Associate Professor Peter

O'Rourke and Associate Professor Chris Reid.