
Reaction-Diffution Equations: Turing Instability


I discuss some of the important aspect of GNUPLOT. In the following I give a script to plot four subplots in a multiplot. The datafile files may be obtained from the LINK (sniper_chimera.txt) provided.

save the following script as "filename.plt"


set term postscript landscape enhanced defaultplex \

leveldefault color colortext \

 dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 butt noclip nobackground \

palfuncparam 2000,0.003 "TeXGyreSchola-Bold" 20  fontscale 1.0

set out "sniper_sym_mf_N100_R35_s1_b9_Q65_e400.ps"

set size 1.1, 1.0

set multiplot

set border lw 2.0 front

set colorbox horiz user origin 0.13,0.94 size 0.45,0.025

#Spatiotemporal x1

    set origin 0.07, 0.0

    set size 0.33, 1.0

    set palette rgbformula 33,13,10

    set cbrange [-1:1]

    set yrange [2000:0]

    unset key

    set xlabel "i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set ylabel "Time" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set xtics 50

    set obj 4 rect at 0,60 size 70,300 front

    set label 4 at 0,0 "(a)" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 1,-1

    set obj 1 rect at 50,60 size 50,300 front

    set label 1 at 50,0 "x_1" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 0,-1

    set view map

    splot "sniper_chimera.txt" u 2:1:3 every :2:::99:1010 w image

    unset xlabel

    unset ylabel

    unset obj

    unset label

#Spatiotemporal x2

    set origin 0.32, 0.0

    set size 0.33, 1.0

    set palette rgbformula 33,13,10

    set cbrange [-1:1]

    set yrange [2000:0]

    unset colorbox

    set xlabel "i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

#    set ylabel "t" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

#    set xtics 50

    unset ytics

    set obj 4 rect at 0,60 size 70,300 front

    set label 4 at 0,0 "(b)" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 1,-1

    set obj 1 rect at 50,60 size 50,300 front

    set label 1 at 50,0 "x_2" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 0,-1

    set view map

    splot "sniper_chimera.txt" u 2:1:5 every :2:::99:1010 w image

    unset obj

    unset label

#Snapshot x1

    set origin 0.6, 0.48

    set size 0.5, 0.45

    set xlabel "i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set ylabel "x_1_i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set xtics 50

    set ytics 1

    set obj 4 rect at 0,1 size 40,1.2 front

    set label 4 at 0,1 "(c)" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 1,-1

    plot [][-1:1]"sniper_chimera.txt" u ($1==1990?$2:1/0):3 w l lc rgb "red" lt 3, "" u ($1==1990?$2:1/0):3 w p pt 6 lc rgb "blue" lw 2

    unset obj

    unset label

#Snapshot x2

    set origin 0.6, 0.05

    set size 0.5, 0.45

    set xlabel "i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set ylabel "x_2_i" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20"

    set xtics 50

    set obj 4 rect at 0,1 size 40,1.2 front

    set label 4 at 0,1 "(d)" font "TeXGyreSchola-Bold, 20" front offset 1,-1

    plot [][-1:1]"sniper_chimera.txt" u ($1==1990?$2:1/0):5 w l lc rgb "blue" lt 3, "" u ($1==1990?$2:1/0):5 w p pt 6 lc rgb "red" lw 2

    unset obj

    unset label

unset multiplot
