Dean Graziosi's Secret Weapon for 2016

2016, can you believe it? Happy New Year. Hey, this is Dean Graziosi. Welcome to this really special kick off the year Weekly Wisdom. I got some really special stuff to share today, so don't dare click away from this video. You know, this is the time of year we want to reinvent ourselves. To set those new goals. To decide that this is our year. That's an amazing feeling, but the last thing, the worst thing you can do, and everybody shares this, but you know it to be true, is by February fifteenth you're back in a hypnotic rhythm doing the same day over and over again. You just fall back and you say, well, maybe next year. No, no, no, no, that's not going to happen this year. First of all, I'm going to give you my goal sheet that's going to change everything the way you set goals.

Weekly Wisdom #368 - 2016 Secret Weapon

You want to call it a goal sheet, a transformational challenge, but the one thing I know, that if you go all the way back to Dale Carnegie and Andrew Carnegie, and you go back to Rockefeller, and go to Micheal Jordan, and some of the most successful people in the world, they follow this one cheat sheet that I'm going to give you today to follow to make sure that your goals aren't just a new year's resolution, that we're here for five minutes, gone tomorrow. It's about time these stick to you like glue. Guys, I would love for you to do this exercise for me today. Most of the time we get to a place and think, last year was just, it was horrible and I just need to let go of last year. I want you to do this with last year, I want you to think through 2015 and I want you to write down, I want you to write down all the good that happened in 2015. Forget all the other stuff. Write down all the good.

Something being a parent. Something at work. Something with your weight. Some one day, a date, a marriage, a look. Everything you can think of. It's hard to think of all, but think of the things that were empowering, were positive. I would love for you just to think about that and write them down, no other negatives. Then, throw away the rest for a moment. Then, do this goal sheet, where I'm going to get to in a minute, this transformational guide. I want you to think about how 2016 can be filled with all those accomplishments like last year, but ten times greater. You see, there's a few little shifts and habits that we have to change in our lives that make the big impact. Everybody thinks at new years you got to do a one-eighty and become a completely different person.

No, January one you just got to make little shift, but you got to know where you're going. January fifth, January tenth, February first, it's not about being a new you, it's about making these tiny shift, so when you get to the end of 2016 you're unrecognizable. You're not the same person. I've got two incredible things. I've decided to do a live webcast on January nineteenth and I need you to do whatever it takes. I'm going to do it at five o'clock pacific standard time, so if that's a little cutting it close on the west coast, then get off work early. Do whatever it takes to get to this live webcast. If you know me, if you've been around for a long time, you know I don't take my time lightly to go live and share with you, and I surely don't take your time lightly.

I'm giving you plenty of notice because two things, these live casts fill up. Secondly, you need to designate the time to be there. Listen, if you're one of my personal development clients, if you got the Abundance Mastery or

Dean Graziosi

the Winning State of Mind, if you're looking for a realistic way to make extra money, then you need to look into real estate and see for yourself that I have more successful real estate students than anyone in the world because I started with people that just wanted that next level of income and didn't know which way to go. I showed them the path, the plan, the recipes, to make money in real estate. If you're one of my DG family members and you haven't done a deal yet, you're going to want to see what we're delivering. If you're doing deals, you're not going to want to miss this. Let me just tell you real quick. You see, I'm not someone who just talks about real estate. There's a lot of noise, especially out there now. Real estate's cool. There's a million people claiming to be real estate experts. I don't even know their names. All I know is, I've been doing it for twenty-five years. My book, Be a Real Estate Millionaire sold over a million copies and New York Times bestseller because it works. I own over four hundred deals. I have more successful students around the world than anyone on the planet. This is what I do. My most successful student, you may know him, Matt Larson. He went out on this ten year run from machine shop worker, to doing thousands of deals and making millions of dollars. Last year he had a little bump. Things weren't going straight up. He had a flat spot. Maybe even down a little. When that happens, when that happens in life, when things go bad, when we fail, just like last week's video, when we fail, we could either hide and say this doesn't work, I shouldn't have tried it, get insecure or you can go no, I'm going to learn from this. I'm going to figure out what went wrong and improve upon it. This pain is going to cause me to have a breakthrough. His pain caused a breakthrough unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. He's taken strategies I've never thought of. He's taken things that I do in my daily real estate business and taken them to a next level on how to find the deals, negotiate the deals. How to get newbies in the business and how to generate cash fast because he needed to, to fix some problems where some people robbed from him.

We all get our backs against the wall. When this guy had his back against the wall, he discovered breakthroughs. When he shared with me, I said once again, dude you got to come down here, we have to go live and we have to share this with everybody. Guys, you are going to learn things that you've never heard anyplace else. If you're new, you're not going to want to miss it. Plus, it was so compelling, you got to listen to this, it was so compelling, I sent my whole video crew up to where Matt lives and spent a day in the life of Matt Larson. We filmed him, listen to this, we filmed him negotiating a deal, closing a deal, doing a one pager on how he knows if he should buy it, if the deal works or not, with a real estate agent, going to a rehab.

Guys, we got the good. You guys have been asking me for a day in the life of Matt for years, if you're a DG family member, you've been asking. We got it. Literally, we're going through the footage right now and we're going to show you some of that footage on the live cast. Some of it, if you watch two minutes you're going to go, oh my God I can do that or why didn't I think of that? Guys, I'm sorry this video is so long, but you can tell I am totally excited about this live webcast coming up on January nineteenth. Now, I'm going to do a shorter video and push people to register later, but you, if you're watching this you're one of my DG family members. What you need to do right now on this special page is click below and reserve your spot, or go to

You know, if you've been around, you know they fill up. I'd hate for you to wait a week and all of a sudden this thing's sold out because too much capacity is trying to watch at once. Click below, reserve your spot. When you reserve your spot, you're also going to get my goal sheet with a five minute video teaching you how to use this to set goals that work. In fact, I want you to do this sheet before you come to the live webcast on January nineteenth. Okay, sorry this was so long, but remember, this is that time of year where we're just blasting off. We want to blast off to that next level of life. I don't want February first to be back where you were. February first, I want you on fire. Seeing a new path, a new plan, a new direction for your life.

If you're looking to make extra money and you never thought about it, I'm telling you it's real estate. This is the time. This is where we are in the market. It's time. You don't want to miss this. If you're one of DG family members, this is unlike anything you've ever seen from us, ever. Matt's going to share some stuff that's going to blow your mind, and you get to see a day in the life of Matt in the action, right? When he's negotiating a deal and they say no on the price, figure out how he gets through it. What he writes on his paper? What does he say on his phone calls? What does he say to his rehabbers? You're going to be able to see that on January nineteenth. Either click the link below right now and get this sheet and reserve your spot, or go to That's and reserve your spot, get this sheet, and do whatever it takes. Print it out, post it, write it on your hand, write it on the refridge, put it on the computer. Be ready to be there live January nineteenth, so we can blow your mind on how you can get to that next level of life this year. I'm Dean Graziosi. I'll talk to you soon.

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