Useful Links

I created some webpages containing many economic and financial indicators with relative web-links (some of which were discussed in my university classes), which can be useful to gain some insights about the current and future economic and financial global situation. For a few of them, I provide a small description for ease of reference, but clearly see the related official Web pages for the full documentation. Note that these webpages are pretty old and I stopped updating them a long ago due to lack of time.

Page 1: General page containing indicators of different type

Page 2: Government Bond Yields, Banking counterparty risk, External Debt data, CDS data

Page 3: Gasoline prices, Electricity prices, and Natural Gas prices around the World

Page 4: Shipping Indices and Shipping Industry

ROC_AUC: A Delphi program for assessing the predictive performance of binary models. The program calculates the area under Receiver Operating Characterstic curves and estimates optimal cutoff-values