David S. Trossman

Associate Research Scientist

University of Maryland-College Park

Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center


Adjunct Professor at Louisiana State University

email: david.s.trossman at noaa dot gov



I'm an ocean scientist who generally develops methods to make the most of the imperfect numerical models/theories and the sparse/aliased observations we have of the ocean. Recently, my focus has been on improving existing or exploring alternative observational methods to monitor basic ocean state variables. I do this by developing data products for assimilation by ocean forecasting systems and investigating how to enhance ocean observing systems. In the past, I have: 1) studied the interactions between the ocean and other components of the Earth system by developing numerical models and running experiments and 2) advanced the reconstruction of the ocean’s historical conditions by understanding the information provided by various observing systems about difficult-to-observe quantities of interest. In my spare time, I compose and release music, sometimes for outreach but most of the time just as an outlet.


Rachel Carson insisted that, “No one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out the poetry.” Read my papers and you’ll see that I’ve managed to find a way:



Post-formal education

Current/Pending Procured Funding