Us (About Us)

David was a journeyman machinist in the 80's when it was hard to find work during the cheap oil days in Calgary. A machinist makes metal parts such as gears from raw pieces of metal to use in large machines (such as oil rigs). One day he came upon a box of door viewers and began a service to install them in the local community. His customers soon wanted to him to also help fix their locks. His machining background was a natural with locksmithing and thus began a 35 year journey as a master locksmith. He has met many of Calgarian along the way and has got a kick of learning many of greetings in all different languages that customers have taught him.

One of the main key cutting machines we use today is an industrial machine David designed and machined himself out of some choice raw blocks of metal.

David now leads a tight family of locksmiths who he has helped train, including his son, who started with him when he was 10 years old.