
The RPi Control Center for openmamba

RPIWeb (Raspberry Control Center) is a web application that let you check the status of your RPi box and make some basic system admnistration tasks (like system reboot and full system update).

Tags : Utilities/Web

License : GPL v2+

Operating System : Linux

Implementation : HTML, PHP, Javascript

Developed by : Davide Madrisan (software forked from Raspcontrol)

Last stable version : 11

Source code

The RPiWeb source code is accessible at the web-based hosting service GitHub.


Getting it running

Install the openmamba packages lighttpd and php

smart install lighttpd php

Configure the lighttpd web server by uncommenting the line

include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf"

in the configuration file /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf and by appending the following lines

fastcgi.server = (

".php" => ((

"socket" => socket_dir + "/php-fastcgi.socket",

"bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi",

"docroot" => "/srv/www/htdocs/"


fastcgi.map-extensions = ( ".html" => ".php" )

to the file /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/fastcgi.conf.

Make sure than cgi.fix_pathinfo is set to the default value

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

in the /etc/php/php.ini file.

Finally enable lighttpd at boot and load the modifications

chkconfig lighttpd on

service lighttpd restart

System settings

RPiWeb need to execute some commands as root.

This is the configuration for sudo (use visudo as root for adding it)

# sudo: settings for the RPi Control Centre

Defaults:lighttpd !requiretty

lighttpd ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot, /sbin/service, /usr/bin/smart, \

/bin/netstat, /usr/sbin/config-rpi-wireless \
