Work in progress (see also Research):

- The far-reaching distributional effects of global warming: Evidence from half a century of climate and inequality   data (with Tom McDermott)

(click here for the SSRN wor. paper)

- Inequality and Human Development: The role of the middle class (with Carlos Gradin and Vicente Royuela)

(click her for UNU-WIDER working paper) (click her for blog post in WIDER-Angle ) (background paper for OECD Development Report 2024) R&R in Oxford Eco Papers

-The geography of energy transitions: a network approach for post-Fukushima Japan (with Alvaro Dominguez and Felipe Santos-Marquez) (working draft)

-Club football performance and economic dynamisim in European regions (with Roberto Gasquez)

-Bright and green? A global view on density and the trade-off between economic activity and green spaces for over 1000 cities (with Konstantin Reisner and Melanie Krause)

Selected Publications in peer-reviewed journals*:

- Unequal response to mobility restrictions: evidence from COVID-19 lockdown in the city of Bogotá 

  Spatial Economic Analysis (online 29 August 2023) (with P. Herrera-Idarraga, G. Sinisterra & L. Quintero) 

(click here for the SSRN wor. paper) (click here for the UNDP LAC Working Paper) (VoxLACEA post)

- Population displacement and urban conflict: Global evidence from more than 3300 flood events 

 Journal of Development Economics 158 (2022) (with Maria Lopez-Uribe and Tom McDermot) 

 (click here for ADB report) (here for CEDE-Los Andes wor. paper)

- The distributional dimension of the resource curse: Commodity price shocks and income inequality.  

  Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 59: 63-78 (2021) (with Soran Mohtadi) 

 (click here for the SSRN wor. paper)

- Air pollution in an urban world: A global view on density, cities and emissions.  

 Ecological Economics 189  (2021) (with Elisa Dienesch and Melanie Krause) (click here for the SSRN wor. paper)

- The urbanising force of global warming: the role of climate change in the spatial distribution of population.  

 Journal of Economic Geography 21(4): 531-556 (2021) (with Tom McDermot and Melanie Krause) 

- Inequality and employment resilience: An analysis of Spanish municipalities during the Great Recession

   International Regional Science Review 44(1): 113-141 (2021) (with Vicente Royuela and Fabian Geelhoedt)

- Inequality and city size: an analysis for OECD functional urban areas.

  Papers in Regional Science 99(4): 1045-1064. (2020) (with Vicente Royuela and Paolo Veneri)

- Population dynamics, urbanisation without growth and the rise of megacities. 

 Journal of Development Studies  56(9): 1663-1682. (2020) (with Hugh Wenban-Smith)

- Inequality and sustainable development: Insights from an analysis of the HDI. 

 Sustainable Development 27(3): 448-460. (2019) (with Vicente Royuela and Fabian Theil)

- Adaptation to climate change: a review through a development economics lens

 World Development 104: 183-196. (2018) (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Beyond Kuznets: Inequality and the size and distribution of cities. 

 Journal of Regional Science 58(3): 564-580. (2018).

 (click here for a 2-minute summary)  (click here for a post on GPiD network)

- Spatially blind policies? Analysing agglomeration economies and European Investment Bank funding in European  Neighb. Countries

  Annals of Regional Science 60(3): 569-589. (2018) (with Vicente Royuela)    

- Tracking positive and negative effects of inequality on long-run growth

  Empirical Economics 53(4): 1349-1378. (2017). (with Vicente Royuela)

- Malthus living in a slum: Urban concentration, infrastructure and economic growth. 

  Journal of Urban Economics 98 (2017):158-173    

- Geography, institutions and development: A review of the long-run impacts of climate change

  Climate and Development 9(5):452- 70. (2017) (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Dimensions of the current systemic crisis

  Progress in Development Studies 16(1):1-23. (2016) (with Gemma Cairo-i-Cespedes)

- Are increasing urbanisation and inequalities symptoms of growth? 

  Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 8(3): 291-308. (2015). (with V. Royuela) 

- Does aid reduce inequality? Evidence for Latin America

  European Journal of Development Research 27: 826-849. (2015) (with José María Larru)

- Agglomeration, Inequality and Economic Growth. 

  Annals of Regional Science 52(2): 343-366. (2014) (with Vicente Royuela) 


Other peer-reviewed publications:

- Aid, Microfinance and Income Inequality: A global view. 

  Revista de Economía Mundial-World Economy Journal 52: 143-174. (2019) (with JM Larrú and M. Lacalle)

- Cities in the 21st Century: A view from the developing world. 

  Special Issue in Region Vol 6(2): 942-944. (2019). (coedited with Paula Herrera-Idárraga)

- Las ciudades españolas tras la Gran Recesión: una mirada a la población, el empleo y los precios de la vivienda.

 Papeles de Economía Española 153 (2017)  (Economía de las Ciudades). (con Vicente Royuela y Celia Melguizo)

- Do we follow the money? The drivers of migration across regions in the EU

  Region 2(2): 24-46.  (2015) (with Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Tobias Ketterer)

- Income inequality in European regions: Recent trends and determinant.

  Review of Regional Research 35:123-146. (2015) (with Raul Ramos and Vicente Royuela)

- Concentration of resources and economic development: An empirical overview. Region 2(1): 16-25. (2015)

- International migrations and urbanisation: 1960-2010. 

  International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 13(2-4): 150-169. (2014) (with Vicente Royuela)

- Unemployment and Long-Run Economic Growth: The Role of Inequality and Urbanisation. 

  Investigaciones Regionales 24: 153-173. (2012)  (with Vicente Royuela)


- What’s Wrong with Economics? A primer for the perplexed, de Robert Skidelsky. Yale University Press, 2021, pp. 249. ISBN: 9780300257496. Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 8(2), 181-182. (2021).

- Urban inequality in Latin America: A review. 

  RERU-Journal of Regional and Urban Economics Nº2/2019:239-257.

- The Organization of Cities: Book Review. Journal of Regional Science 58(3): 681-682. (2018).

- The City in Urban Poverty: Book Review. European Journal of Development Research 29(4): 942-944. (2017).    

Reports and contributions:

- ¿Mercado o Estado? El eterno debate a la luz de la historia del pensamiento económico. Panorama Social No. 37. Economia y Sociedad (Julio 2023

- Unequal response to mobility restrictions: Evidence from the COVID-19 lockdown in the city of Bogotá. UNDP LAC Working Paper No. 29. (Feb 2022) (with Paula Herrera-Idárraga, Luis Quintero, Guillermo Sinisterra ) 

- Ciudades y desigualdad: una mirada a las Areas Urbana Funcionales españolas, Revista ICE nº 920 “Metrópolis, el futuro es ya presente” (Junio,  2021). (con Vicente Royuela)

- Desarrollo económico y cambio climático, una perspectiva espacial para Latinoamérica: Editorial, Revista Economía y Política No. 32 (2020).

- Más alla del COVID-19, Foreign Affairs LA 20-3: 14-22 (2020) (con María Villarreal Villamar)

- Climate change and the geographical and institutional drivers of development, LSE-GRI Working Paper 198 / PRISE Report. (8 July, 2015). (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Coping with climate risk: The role of institutions, governance, and finance in private adaptation decisions of the poor, LSE-GRI Working paper 200 /  PRISE Report. (20 July, 2015). (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Eficiencia y Crisis. en Contribuciones a la Economia, Junio 2009

- Otro concepto de desarrollo. en Contribuciones a la Economia, Noviembre 2007

- ¿Creciendo para quien?. en Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana, No77 2007.

Books and book chapters:

- La Esquiva Búsqueda de la Prosperidad: Una breve historia del pensamiento económico.

 Edicions UAB: Barcelona. (2021) (click here)

- ¿Qué Planeta Heredarán Nuestros Nietos?. Intermedio Editores: Bogotá. (2018)

    (un pequeño extracto aqui)

- Los Riesgos de un Planeta Abarrotado. Colección Retos de la Economía, editorial RBA: Barcelona. (2017)

- Climate change and the spatial concentration of population. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. (2022). (con Tom McDermot & Melanie Krause)

- Desigualdad de Ingresos en Perspectiva Regional: Causas, Consecuencias y el Impacto de la Gran Recesión. En: La Riqueza de la Regiones: Aportaciones de la Ciencia Regional a la Sociedad. Thomson Reuters, (2020). (con R. Ramos y V. Royuela).

- The Role of Climate in Development. In: Fankhauser, S. and McDermott, T. (Eds.) The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development. Edward  Elgar.  pp. 15-32 (2016)   (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Coping with Climate Risk: the options. In: Fankhauser, S. and McDermott, T. (Eds.) The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development. Edward Elgar. pp. 53-76 (2016) (with M. Lopez-Uribe and T. McDermott)

- Three Empirical Essays on Concentration of Resources and Economic Development. (PhD Thesis, 2015)

Productivity. In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 5079-5081. (2014)

*All my publications are done with publicly available data or data collected by myself (I have not paid for any data). 

In the same spirit, all my papers have been published without paying any publication fee. Likewise, all the writing of my papers is that of my own or my coauthors (no ChatGPT or any IA used).