
Use the links below to access the Working Paper versions of my publications and papers. Papers are roughly organized by topic. If nothing is linked for a particular title, please check back at a later date or email me.

Crime and the Judicial System

"Making the Crime Fit the Penalty: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion Under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing," Journal of Law and Economics (2005). (Working Paper Version)

"Measuring the Relationship Between Youth Criminal Participation and Household Economic Resources," Journal of Quantitative Criminology (2007). (Working Paper Version)

"Racial Profiling, Statistical Discrimination, and the Effect of a Colorblind Policy on the Crime Rate," Journal of Public Economic Theory (2007). (Working Paper Version)

"Guilt Shall Not Escape or Innocence Suffer: The Limits of Plea Bargaining When Defendant Guilt is Uncertain," American Law and Economics Review (2007). (Working Paper Version)

"On the Role of Plea Bargaining and the Distribution of Sentences in the Absence of Judicial System Frictions," International Review of Law and Economics (2008). (Working Paper Version)

"How Much Can We Trust Causal Interpretations of Fixed Effects Estimators in the Context of Criminality?" Journal of Quantitative Criminology (2009). (Working Paper Version)

"Thieves, Thugs, and Neighborhood Poverty," Journal of Urban Economics (2010). (Working Paper Version)

"Re-examining the Longer-term Impact of Dropping out on Criminal and Labor Market Outcomes," Economics of Education Review (2012). (Working Paper Version)

"Inter-Judge Sentencing Disparity on the Federal Bench: An Examination of Drug Smuggling Cases in the Southern District of California," joint with Caleb Mason, Federal Sentencing Reporter (2013). (Working Paper Version)

"The Market for Mules: Risk and Compensation for Cross-Border Drug Couriers", joint with Caleb Mason, International Review of Law and Economics (2014). (Working Paper Version)

"Mandatory Minimum Reform and the Sentencing of Crack Cocaine Defendants: An Analysis of the Fair Sentencing Act." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (2016). (Working Paper Version)

"Mandatory Minimums and the Sentencing of Federal Drug Crimes," Journal of Legal Studies (2017). (Working Paper Version)

“Replication of Mismatch Research: Ayers, Brooks, and Ho (comment).” International Review of Law and Economics (2019). (Working Paper Version)

“Socially Optimal Plea Bargaining with Costly Trials and Bayesian Juries.” Economic Inquiry (2021). (Working Paper Version)

“What Can DNA Exonerations Tell Us About Racial Differences in Wrongful Conviction Rates?” joint with Eric Helland, Journal of Law and Economics (2020). (Working Paper Version)

"Does Greater Police Funding Help Catch More Murderers?", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (2022). (Working Paper Version).

Race and Gender in the Labor Market

"The Differing Nature of Black-White Wage Inequality Across Occupational Sectors," Journal of Human Resources (2007). (Working Paper Version)

"Assortative Marriage and the Effects of Government Homecare Subsidy Programs on Gender Wage and Participation Inequality," joint with Seungjin Han, Journal of Public Economics (2007). (Working Paper Version)

"Glass Ceilings or Sticky Floors? Statistical Discrimination in a Dynamic Model of Hiring and Promotion " Economic Journal (2008). (Working Paper Version)

"Beauty vs. Earnings: Gender Differences in Human Capital, Earnings, and Priorities Over Spousal Characteristics in a Matching Model," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2009). (Working Paper Version)


"In Front of and Behind the Veil of Ignorance: An Analysis of Motivations for Redistribution." Social Choice and Welfare (2016). (Working Paper Version)