Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

35. "A Welfare Analysis of Genetic Testing in Health Insurance Markets with Adverse Selection and Prevention" with Philippe De Donder, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2024, forthcoming.

34. "Concentration of the Mobile Telecommunications Markets and Countries' Competitiveness", with Danilo Aristizabal, Bibiana Saenz and Santiago Gomez, Telecommunication Policy, Elsevier, vol 46 (1), 2022.

33. "Physicians' incentives to adopt personalised medicine: an experimental approach", with Samuel Kembou Nzale and Bruno Ventelou, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier, vol 191(C), pages 472-500, 2021. 

32. "Nursing Homes’ Competition and Distributional Implications when the Market is Two-Sided", with Luigi Siciliani, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Blackwell Publishing, vol 30, Issue 2, pages 472-500, 2021.

31. "Health Care Insurance Payment Policy when the Provider and Patient May Collude," with Yijuan Chen, Sanxi Li and Yaping Wu (first author), Health Economics, Wiley, vol 30(3), pages 525-543, 2021

30. "Controlling Sellers Who Provide Advice: Regulation and Competition", with Denis Gromb, David Martimort and Jerome Pouyet, Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley,  vol 69, issue 3, pages 409-444, 2020.

29. "How is the Trade-off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing? Theory and Experiment", with Philippe De Donder and Cesar Mantilla, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol 68(C), 2019.

28. "Informality and Optimal Public Policy", with Daniel Mejia, Economía the Journal of LACEA, Volume 19, Number 2, pages 1-19, 2019.

27. "Médecine personnalisée, tests génétiques et assurance santé : une tension exacerbée entre antisélection et discrimination des risques", with Philippe De Donder, Revue d'Economie Financiere, Nº126, pages 201-212, 2017.

26. "Supplemental health insurance in the Colombian managed care system: Adverse or advantageous selection?, with Giancarlo Buitrago, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol 56, pages 317-329, 2017.

25. "Personalized medicine. Closing the gap between knowledge and clinical practice", with Juan-Manuel Anaya (first author), Carolina Duarte-Rey, Juan-C Sarmiento-Monroy, John Castiblanco and Adriana Rojas-Villarraga, Autoimmunity Reviews, Elsevier, vol 15, Issue 8, page 833-842, 2016. 

24. "Integración vertical en el sector de la salud colombiano", with Giancarlo Buitrago, Desarrollo & Sociedad, 77, pages 231-262, 2016.

23. "The Design of Insurance Coverage for Medical Products under Imperfect Competition", with Helmuth Cremer and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol 137, pages 28-37, 2016.

22. "Health Insurance and Diversity of Treatment: A Policy Mix Perspective," with Bruno Jullien and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol 47, pages 40-53, 2016.

21. "Competition between Health Maintenance Organizations and NonIntegrated Health Insurance Companies in Health Insurance Markets, with Edmond Baranes, Health Economics Review, Springer, 5:36, 2015. 

20. "Hospital Variation in Cesarean Delivery: A Multilevel Analysis", with Ramon Abel Castaño and Andrés Vecino (first author), in Value in Health Regional Issues, Elsevier, vol 8, pages 116-121, 2015.

19. "Unemployment Insurance in Presence of an Informal Sector", with Fernando Jaramillo and Ximena Peña, World Bank Economic Review P&P, vol 29, Issue suppl 1, pages 126-134, 2015.

18. "Competition in Two-Sided Markets with Common Network Externalities", with Helmuth Cremer and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Review of Industrial Organization, Springer, vol 44, issue 4, pages 327-345, 2014.

17. "Competencia en el sector de la salud", Coyuntura Económica y Social: Investigación Económica y Social, vol XLIII, Fedesarrollo, pages 17-52, 2013.

16. "Genetic Testing with Primary Prevention and Moral Hazard", with Philippe De Donder, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol 32 (5), pages 768-779, 2013.

15. "Doctors' Remuneration Schemes and Hospital Competition in a Two-Sided Market", with Helmuth Cremer and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, The B.E. Journal of Economics and Analysis & Policy, Bepress, Issue 1, vol 13, 2012.

14. "The Regulation of Health Care Providers' Payments when Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation matter", with Chiara Canta and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol 31, issue 5, pages 691-704, 2012. 

13. "Health Care Network Formation and Policyholders' Welfare", with Jean-Marc Bourgeon, The B.E. Journal of Economics and Analysis & Policy, Bepress, 11(2), 2011.  

12. "Competition between Health Plans: A Two-Sided Market Approach", with Jean-Charles Rochet, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 19(2), pages 435-451, 06, 2010.

11. "Retail Price Regulation and Innovation: Reference Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Industry", with Antoine Bommier and Bruno Jullien, Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 303-316, 2010.

10. "Reflexiones sobre la regulación de tarifas en el sector de la salud en Colombia", with Ramon Abel Castaño, Revista de Economía Institucional, 2007.

9. "Supply Induced Demand, Ex post Moral Hazard and Optimal Health Insurance Contract", with Romain Lesur, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2006.

8. "Optimal Health Insurance Contract and Ex ante Moral Hazard: Is a Deductible Useful?", with Romain Lesur, Economics Letters, Elsevier, 2005.

7. "Estimation de l’efficience  des dépenses de santé à l’échelon départemental par la méthode DEA", with Sylvain Pichetti, Economie et Prévision, 2005.

6. "Maintenance Strategies’ Development from a Risk Aversion Point of View", with L. Eeckhoudt, F. Riane and H. Artiba, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 2005.

5. "Contrat d’assurance maladie optimal et risque moral ex ante : quand peut-on s’affranchir d’une franchise ? ", with Romain Lesur, Revue Economique, n°5, vol 55, p857-867, 2004.

4. "Paradoxical Risk Aversion Effect on the Consumers Quality Demand", Louvain Economics Review, n°1, p109-114, 2004.

3. "Risque de reclassification et comportement de risque moral sur les marchés d'assurance maladie : la première inefficacité peut-elle éliminer la seconde ? ", Revue d’Economie Politique, 2003.

2. "Le risque moral ex post est-il si néfaste ? ", with A. Couffinhal and M. Grignon, Revue Française d’Economie, 2003.

1. "Demande induite et réglementation de médecins altruistes", Revue Economique, vol 53, n°3, 2002.


1. Análisis económico de la normativa de libre competencia en Colombia, with Alejandro Becerra and Pilar Cabrera, Cuaderno de Fedesarrollo, 44, ISBN: 978-958-57963-0-0, 2013.


1. El trabajo intermediado por plataformas en Colombia: aspectos conceptuales y propuesta de regulación desde la teoría de contratos y la organización industrial. Report written for CEPAL (2022):

Chapters of Books

4. "Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Do Non-Pharmaceutical-Interventions Work (at least) in the Short Run?", with Manuel Fernández and Alexis Gravel, forthcoming in Handbook on Inequality and COVID-19, Edward Elgar, 2024.

3. "Contrato de aseguramiento en Salud", in Modelos de contratación en servicios de salud, Book edited by Acemi and Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo, 2014.

2. "Seguros de desempleo: revisión  de literatura y propuesta para Colombia", with S. Kiuhan and J.C Suarez, book edited by Fasecolda, 2011. 

1. "The Regulation Theory and its Perspectives", with Amadeo Piolatto, in the ENI Hydrocarbon Encyclopedia, 2006.


Publications in no peer reviewed journals

17. Tests génétiques et assurance santé : une tension exacerbée", with P. De Donder, Revue Risques, 2015.

16. "Pago por desempeño en el sistema de salud colombiano", Revista Monitor Estratégico, 2015. 

15. "Tests génétiques, prévention et marchés d'assurance santé", with P. De Donder, in Médecine/Sciences, 30 (hors-série n°2), 2014.

14. "Pagos por desempeño", in Conexxión, July 2014.

13. "Quelles assurances face aux nouveaux risques", with P. De Donder, in Esprit, July 2014.

12. "Multilevel Analysis to Measure Hospital Variation: The Case of Cesarean Delivery," with Andres Vecino (first author) and Ramon Abel Castaño, Value in Health, vol 14, issue 13, pages A113, 2011.

11. "Seguros de desempleo: revisión de literatura y propuesta para Colombia", with S Kiuhan and J-C Suarez Revista Fasecolda, September 2009.

10. "Regulación del sector de la salud colombiano: algunas reflexiones", Revista Colombiana de Economía de la Salud, edited by ACOES (Colombian Health Economists Association), 2008.

9. "Subasta inversa y riesgo previsional: una nota técnica", with Julio-Cesar Suarez, Revista Fasecolda, June 2008.

8. "The Colombian Health System", with Dario Maldonado, Review of the Geneva Association, May 2008.

7. "Teoría de los contratos y economía del seguro", Revista Fasecolda, April 2008.

6. "Riesgo de cumplimiento y subasta inversa: una nota técnica", with S Serratto, Revista Fasecolda, 2007.

5. "La separación de las tareas entre el economista y el político", Revista Estudiantes del Rosario, 2007.

4. "Comportements d’autoprotection et assurance maladie", Drees Working Paper, Série Mire, 2002.

3. "La régulation des systèmes de santé", with Philippe Choné and  Romain Lesur, Editorial of The Crest Letter, 2002.

2. "Trop d’assurance peut-il être néfaste ? Théorie du risque moral ex post en santé", with A. Couffinhal and M. Grignon, Questions d’économie de la santé, Credes, n°53, 2002.

1. "Reclassification Risk and Moral Hazard Behaviour on Health Insurance Market: Can the First Inefficiency eliminate the Second?", Etudes et Dossiers No. 249, EGRIE (European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists) 28, vol 1, The Geneva Association, 2001.