
Current Working Papers

Organized Labor Versus Robots? Evidence from Micro Data (2024), with Sebastian Findeisen and Oliver Schlenker, CEPR Discussion Paper 19192. (pdf)

Working from Home Increases Work-Home Distances (2024), with Sena Coscun, Hermann Gartner, Michael Stops, and Enzo Weber, IZA Discussion Paper 16855. Revision requested at Journal of Urban Economics. (pdf)

Transforming Institutions - Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth in a Reunified Germany (2021), with Sebastian Findeisen, Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee, and Tommaso Porzio. (pdf)

Job Polarization on Local Labor Markets (2014), IAB Discussion Paper, 18/2014. (pdf)

Journal Articles

A Guide to Preparing the Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies (SIAB, version 7519 v1) for Scientific Analysis (2023), with Heiko Stüber and Johann Eppelsheimer, in: Journal for Labour Market Research, Vol 57:7. (pdf, Stata-code) (Previous version published in Vol 55 of the same journal in 2020: pdf, Stata-code)

Matching in Cities (2021), with Sebastian Findeisen, Enrico Moretti, and Jens Suedekum, in: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 20:4 (, pdf, web appendix)

The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots (2021), with Sebastian Findeisen, Jens Südekum, and Nicole Wößner, in: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 19:6. (, pdf)

Adjusting to Globalization in Germany (2021), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 39:1. (pdf)

Occupational Routine Intensity and the Adjustment to Job Loss: Evidence from Mass Layoffs (2020), with Uwe Blien and Duncan Roth, in: Labour Economics, Vol 68. (pdf)

Is there Loss Aversion in the Trade-off Between Wages and Commuting Distances? (2020), with Peter Haller, in: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol 83. (pdf)

Long-run processes of geographical concentration and dispersion - Evidence from Germany (2018), with Michaela Fuchs and Anne Otto, in: Papers in Regional Science, Vol 97:3. (pdf) (web appendix)

Trade and manufacturing jobs in Germany (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, Vol 107:5. (pdf)

Do regions benefit from active labour market policies? A macroeconometric evaluation using spatial panel methods (2016), with Reinhard Hujer and Katja Wolf, in: Regional Studies, Vol 50:4. (pdf)

Exporters and Wage Inequality during the Great Recession - Evidence from Germany (2015), with Hans-Jörg Schmerer and Erwin Winkler, in: Economics Letters, Vol. 136:11. (pdf)

Globalization and Local Profiles of Economic Growth and Industrial Change (2015), with Jens Südekum, in: Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 16:5. (pdf) (web appendix)

The rise of the east and the far east: German labor markets and trade integration (2014), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 12:6. (pdf) (Crosswalk SITC Rev. 3 -> WZ93)

Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics (2013), in: Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 92:2. (pdf)

The institutional context of an ‘empirical law’: The wage curve under different regimes of collective bargaining (2013), with Uwe Blien, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 51:1. (pdf)

Current Other Publications

Berufliches Pendeln in Deutschland (2018), with Peter Haller, in: Wirtschaftsdienst 2018 | 8. (pdf)

Klarer Trend zu längeren Pendeldistanzen (2018), with Peter Haller. IAB-Kurzbericht 10/2018. (pdf)

The rise of robots in the German labour market (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen, Jens Südekum and Nicole Wößner, in: VoxEU, 19 September 2017. (link)

Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland profitieren vom Außenhandel - aber nicht alle (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum. IAB-Kurzbericht 15/2017. (pdf)

Verlierer(-regionen) der Globalisierung in Deutschland: Wer? Warum? Was tun? (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: Wirtschaftsdienst 2017 | 1. (pdf)

Sectoral employment trends in Germany: The effect of globalisation on their micro anatomy (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: VoxEU, 26 January 2017. (link)

Verlierer(-regionen) der Globalisierung in Deutschland: Wer? Warum? Was tun? (2017), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: Ökonomenstimme, 13 January 2017. (link)

Globalisation and the nature of German manufacturing jobs (2016), with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum, in: VoxEU, 21 February 2016. (link)

Work in Progress

The causal impact of trade integration on individual workers: job stability, earnings, and geographical labor mobility, with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Südekum Funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG) under Priority programme SPP 1764: “The German Labour Market in a Globalised World: Challenges through Trade, Technology, and Demographics”, DA 1576/1-2

Residential spillovers: Evidence from a public housing subsidy, with Matthias Dorner, Andreas Mense, and Matthias Wrede

Igniting Wage Growth: The aggregate effects of transforming labor market institutions, with Sebastian Findeisen and Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee

The effective density elasticity of productivity for movers and stayers, with Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Peter Haller, and Stephan Heblich

Matching externalities on local labor markets, with Sebastian Findeisen, Enrico Moretti, and Jens Suedekum

The mobility premium on earnings and employment, with Sebastian Findeisen and Atilla Lindner

Industrial clustering and city sizes, with Tomoya Mori and Jens Südekum

The causal effects of private health insurance on employment and health, with Christine Dauth

Recent Press Appearances (selection)

„Warum die Arbeitslosigkeit in Städten höher ist als auf dem Land“, Nürnberger Nachrichten, February 2020. (link)

„Was Unternehmen für Pendler tun“, Weser Kurier, January 2020. (link)

„Pendler verdienen mehr“ (Interview), WirtschaftsWoche, November 2019. (link)