Introductory Econometrics




Lecture Notes

Data used in classes and hws


Essay: Description and Requirements

Essay: Example of a table

Essay: potential dataset

Essay: An example


Homework no. 1: Due November 12 (setup uploaded to "Homeworks" folder)

Note: You can work in pairs. Both STATA and SPSS are allowed. NO late submission will be accepted.

Homework no. 2: Due December 13 (setup uploaded to "Homeworks" folder)

Note: You can work in pairs. Both STATA and SPSS are allowed. There will be 10% deduction if you submit your homework with 10- minute delay, 50% deduction if your delay will be 30 minutes, later submissions will not be evaluated.

Homework no. 3: Due February 28 (setup uploaded to "Homeworks" folder)

Note: You can work in pairs. Both STATA and SPSS are allowed. NO late submission will be accepted. ONLY electronic version accepted this time. Name your file: HW3_name1_name2.

Quizzes and group tasks:

Suggested solutions for Quiz no.1 was uploaded.

Suggested solutions for Quiz no.2 was uploaded.

Suggested solutions for Quiz no.3 was uploaded.

Statistical Softwares: notes to GRETL; notes to SPSS; notes to STATA; Time Series Tutorial in SPSS

Statistical Tables: Standard normal distribution; Student's t distribution