
View the 1/9/22 Dartmouth AAUP Endorsement of the Student Worker's Collective & Its Call on Dartmouth to Recognize Its Union, the recent Dartmouth AAUP Open Letter to the Dartmouth Administration on 1/3/22 Regarding COVID Polices and the followup letter to the Dartmouth Administration on 1/20/22 regarding COVID policies, which we endorse, on our 'News' Page. Please consider attaching your name to the latter using the link provided.


For latest announcements please see our News page.

To strengthen voice and governance for all faculty-- in both the Arts & Sciences and the professional schools, and for both tenure track and contingent/adjunct faculty and researchers -- we have revived a chapter of the American Association of University Professors at Dartmouth.

Dartmouth faculty formed one of the original AAUP chapters in 1916. The chapter was instrumental in winning Dartmouth faculty crucial rights, most importantly academic freedom and tenure.

Our chapter’s current work builds on this tradition, focusing on four main goals:

1) Guaranteeing academic freedom,

2) Advocating for the workplace rights and job security of contingent faculty, and

3) Promoting greater transparency and consistency in tenure and promotion procedures.

4) Creating productive and healthy working conditions, including preventing and dealing effectively with sexual misconduct

Please see our Working Groups page for details on how we are working toward these goals.

Our chapter includes tenure line and adjunct faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and research scientists. It is easy to join and dues are scaled by income. Our chapter is working in tandem with the national AAUP organization, the 165-member Coalition for Academic Freedom here on campus, and the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric Faculty Task Force. We are also consulting with the Faculty Council of the Geisel School and requisite faculty committees at Tuck and Thayer.

We look forward to working with Dartmouth’s standing faculty committees, a range of faculty, administrators, staff, students, and alumni to bolster faculty voice and governance at the College. We are working to strengthen unity among the entire faculty in keeping with the AAUP national One Faculty campaign.

We encourage your questions, input, and support. And we hope that you will join us. Upcoming events are listed here and you can email our co-presidents here.

Sincerely yours,

The Executive Committee of the Dartmouth CollegeChapter of the AAUP