My Writing and Art

10 Newspaper columns as a column writer

10 Newspaper articles on homelessness, crime, and mental illness

From 2005 09 14 to 2006 10 24, I worked as a columnist for a small street paper,"Our Voice." The writers made very little money while vendors (usually homeless people) sold the paper for extra monies. Our audience was around 6,000 people within the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada region. The paper focused on,'empowering the marginalized' often spreading awareness on the subject of homelessness, and other relevant social injustices. Although the following 10 articles are over a decade old, their content still remains worthwhile. Thankfully I was able to scan the following articles into PDF's, and share the links via my Google Drive. Simply click the link below the pictured article to read the article. And thank-you again for your interest.