TPI Conversion

I may go into more detail at a later date on this conversion. For now, this is a repository for the documents that I have been providing others that want to get a start on doing this project. The files are in no particular order ( unfortunately, the web page will not let me re-arrange them).

The first 3 files are used with TunerPro or TunerPro RT, for doing your custom tunes. Either is available on line for free download ( RT version requires registration if you like it). Try MOATES.NET for this software, and for the other items you will need for tuning. ( new link

TPI_Swap.xls is an Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs. One of the tabs shows all parts that I used and their costs. Another tab shows all of the indivudual "Projects" I did to complete the install. Makes a nice project "Straw man" for you to work from.

Wiring_Pins.xls shows all of the changes needed to convert an F-body wiring harness to work on a G-body. The changes are pretty minor. If you have a good harness, with all the connectors, and don't mind a little electrical work, this is really doable.

The bookmark_efi.htm file is a download of all the bookmarks I saved during the project. Not all are still active, but a lot of info there. You can import these into your browser.

12/3/21. I understand the links to download these files have been restricted by Google. This link should give you access - just copy and paste to your browser: