Programs and Activities

 FFC Youth Group

The First Presbyterian Church of Danvers participates with other area churches in the FFC Youth Group under the direction of Amber Brandt. This high school group meets for activities such as:  cookie bakes, lock-ins, movie nights, Food Resource Bank efforts, talent show, rock wall climbing, winter camp retreats, paintballing, mission trips and Bible Studies.


Low impact aerobic classes are available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:30 am to 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Church Choir

The Adult Choir performs throughout month during the worship service and practice is every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.  Adult Choir is open to any individual in high school or older.

Food Pantry & Backpack Program

This church runs the local food pantry program.  Donations are accepted at any time.  Each month a different type of product is concentrated on.  Weekend snacks and meals are provided to school children who are in need thru the backpack program.  

Game Day

Game Day starts in the Fellowship Hall each Thursday afternoon from 12:30 pm until approximately 4:00 pm.  We encourage anyone who wants to play a board game or cards to come and have a relaxing afternoon.  There are usually 2-3 tables of Mahjong players, so if you would like to learn, please come join us.  We also enjoy a good time of fellowship and munchies!


Group Dinners for Eight

Group Dinners is an adult function of our church.  Four times a year different groups of 8 people will meet in someone’s home for dinner and fellowship.  You are with different people each time.  If you enjoy a night out without the kids, contact the church office for more information.  It is a relaxing evening and a great way to get to know one another.  It is open to couples and singles.


Ladies Lunch Out

Ladies Lunch Out meets the third Tuesday of each month for lunch at a different restaurant every month.  We have a great time and certainly welcome all ladies to join us.  Please contact the church for more information or if you are in need of a ride.


Food With Friends

Food With Friends is a community meal that is put on by the church.  Everyone and anyone is invited.  It is the third Thursday of every month from 5 - 7 PM.  Please email the church office for more information or if you have certain dietary restrictions.

Food For Friends

Women in our church are donating their time and talents to make casseroles for our community. Are you feeling ill? Do you know a family who is trying to make ends meet? Have you lost a loved one and need a break? Our church family would love to help! Please contact the church office, and a casserole will be provided. 


Prayer Requests

 We utilize OneCall to send out Prayer Requests.  Please email the church and let us know the specifics of your request and how you would like it sent out (email, text or call).

  Women's Wednesday Fellowship (WWF)

  Please join us at 9:00 am every Wednesday in the fellowship room for coffee, prayer and study.  If you can't make it every Wednesday, come when you can!  (Child care can be worked out.)