
Participation is what makes this site special.  Several sources exist for buying lens design files, but this seems to be the only open forum for exchanging design files, discussing lens designs and sharing information.

The simplest way to participate is to post to the comments section.  Let us know what you've found useful on the site, or make suggestions for improving the site.

Get more involved by downloading some of the design files, then describing what you see in them or what you learn from them.

Also, you can share your design files.  To ensure the quality of the site and the integrity of others' intellectual property, we insist that:

Send the file to the site owner.  You can e-mail me on my gmail account: dan dot reiley  With your submission, please include a little note describing why you believe the design to be public and the file is yours to share.  A technical note would also help the other users of the sire; describe things like what you learned in building the file, any shortcomings of the published design information, how you used the design, or other interesting information