
At University of Copenhagen, I have been involved in co-teaching Advanced Algorithms, Topics in Algorithms and Data Structures, and Approximation Algorithms. 

At KTH (2015-2020), I have been teaching DD2440 Advanced Algorithms which is a required course for CS master students. The aim is to familiarize students with approximation and randomization techniques, which are key tools for modern algorithms, and show how they can be used to achieve efficient algorithms under different resource constraints (e.g. time, space, and communication). There are about 200 participants in Autumn 2015. The details of this course can be found at KTH social (KTH account required). Below are some selected feedbacks from the course participants (the selection is biased towards positive feedbacks, of course). 

At NTU Singapore, I have co-taught (with Gopal Pandurangan) the class "MH1402: Algorithms and Computing II" for about 350 first-year undergraduate students from several departments, from January - May, 2013. This class involves a one-hour lecture and several two-hour labs per week  (proctored by the lecturers and 9 other TAs).

Earlier in 2011-2012, at the University of Vienna, I have co-taught two master-level classes in Winter 2011/12: Advanced Algorithms (co-taught with Monika Henzinger, cross-listed at TU Vienna) and Parallel Architectures and Programming Models (co-taught with Siegfried Benkner and Eduard Mehofer).

I have also taught and assisted several classes while I was a PhD student at Georgia Tech (e.g. discrete mathematics, algorithms, databases, pattern matching, and theory of computation) and a lecturer at Kasetsart University, Si Racha Campus (e.g. discrete mathematics, theory of computation and C++ and Pascal programming). 

Papers Exposition

Among different project options in my DD2440 course is writing an exposition of a paper (or papers). Below are some reports from projects of this kind. I put them here in case someone might find them useful while reading the original papers. 

Master Theses