
Working papers

Competition and Customer Acquisition in the US Credit Card Market [SSRN]

Media Coverage: Unibul's Money Blog

When Nudges Spill Over: Student Loan Use under the CARD Act (with Alexander L. Brown and Paolina Medina) [SSRN]

The Evolution of Competition in the Credit Card Market [SSRN]


Consumer Demand for Credit Card Services (with Alexei Alexandrov, Ozlem Bedre-Defolie, and Sergei Koulayev) (Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 55 (2), 2023 [SSRN] [JFSR]

Credit Cards and the Floating Rate Channel of Monetary Policy (Applied Economics Letters, vol 30 (3), 2022) [SSRN] [AEL]

Sustained Credit Card Borrowing (with Sergei Koulayev) (Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 55, 2021) [SSRN] [JCA]

Media Coverage: MarketWatch 

The Credit Consequences of Unpaid Medical Bills (with Kenneth Brevoort and Martin Hackmann) [This is an updated draft of our paper formerly titled "Medicaid and Financial Health"] (Journal of Public Economics, vol. 187, 2020) [SSRN]  [JPubE] 

Death and Taxes: An Evaluation of Prospective Policies for Taxing Wealth at the Time of Death (joint with Robert Avery and Kevin Moore), The National Tax Journal, vol. 68(3), 2015  [SSRN]  [NTA]