Media Coverage

"US index funds less likely to hold companies to account, study finds"

Financial Times, August 2019

"ESG Does Neither Much Good nor Very Well"

Wall Street Journal, September 2022

"Do index funds monitor?"

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, July 2019

"Responsible funds have no impact"

Financial Times–Ignites Europe, January 2023

"Better disclosures cut risk of crypto coin crashes" Reuters, August 2018

"The role of disclosure in the unregulated crypto market"

The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, July 2018

"Types of disclosure affect ICO success"

Medium, July 2018

"How the fine print in debt contracts can reduce investment" 

Chicago Booth Review, May 2018

"Do index funds monitor their portfolio firms?" Principles for Responsible investment, June 2021

"Does Socially Responsible Investing Change Firm Behavior?"

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, July 2021

"Crypto market raises $13 billion since 2014 amid zero regulatio"

London Business School, August 2018

"US passives don’t tackle contentious management issues, reveals research" 

IR Magazine, August 2019

"Devex Invested: Can investors push vaccine-makers to ensure supply?", Jan 2022

"Does Socially Responsible Investing Change Firm Behavior?"

The FinReg Blog by Duke, Feb 2023

"ESG is Digging a Deeper and Deeper Hole for Itself"

RealClear Markets, May 2023

"On Corporate Social Issues, U.S. Consumers Do Not Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are"

The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, July 2023