

Di Tommaso, M.L., Contini, D., De Rosa, D., Ferrara, F., Piazzalunga, D., and Robutti, O. (2024) Tackling the gender gap in mathematics with active learning methodologies. Economics of Education Review 100, 102538.

Sierminska, E., Piazzalunga, D. & Grabka, M. (2024). Women’s Labour Market Attachment and the Gender Wealth Gap. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. .

Contini, D., Di Tommaso, M.L., Muratori, C., Piazzalunga, D., Schiavon, S. (2022) Who Lost the Most? Mathematics Achievement during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 22(2): 399-408.

Meroni, E.C., Piazzalunga, D., Pronzato, C. (2022) Allocation of time and child socio-emotional skills, Review of Economics of the Household 20: 1155–1192.

Piazzalunga D., Di Tommaso, M. L. (2019) The Increase of the Gender Wage Gap in Italy during the 2008-2012 Economic Crisis, Journal of Economic Inequality 17(2): 171-193.

Del Boca, D., Martino, E.M., Meroni, E., Piazzalunga, D. (2019) Early Education and Gender Differences, Economia Italiana 2019/3: 11-36 [link]

Strøm, S., Piazzalunga, D., Venturini, A., and Villosio, C. (2018) Wage assimilation of immigrants and internal migrants: the role of linguistic distance, Regional Studies 52(10): 1423-1434.

Del Boca, D., Piazzalunga, D., and Pronzato, C. (2018) The role of grandparenting in early childcare and child outcomes, Review of Economics of the Household 16(2): 477-517.

Piazzalunga, D. (2018) The Gender Wage Gap among College Graduates in Italy, Italian Economic Journal, 4(1): 33-90. 

Piazzalunga, D. (2015) Is There a Double-Negative Effect? Gender and Ethnic Wage Differentials in Italy, LABOUR, 29(3): 243-269.

Marchetti, S., Piazzalunga, D., and Venturini, A. (2014) Does Italy represent an opportunity for temporary migrants from the eastern partnership countries?, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 3:8.

Working papers

Contini, C., Di Tommaso, M.L., Muratori, C., Piazzalunga, D., Schiavon, L. (2023). A lost generation? Impact of COVID-19 on high-school students’ achievements. IZA DP 16008.

Contini, C., Della Giusta, M., Di Tommaso, M.L., Piazzalunga, D. (2023). The Covid-19 pandemic: learning loss and educational inequalities in Italy

Abbiati, G., Azzolini, D., Balanskat, A., Engelhart, K., Piazzalunga, D., Rettore, E., Wastiau, P. (2023) Effects of an Online Self-Assessment Tool on Teachers’ Digital Competencies, IZA DP 15863.  

Piazzalunga, D. (2017) Till Money Us Do Part: Property Division at Divorce and Married Couples' Time Use Behaviour, Unicredit&Universities WP 94

Other Publications, Chapter in Books and Reports

Brilli, Y., Fanfani, B., Piazzalunga, D. (2023). Divario di genere nell’accesso al lavoro a tempo indeterminato: discriminazione statistica? XXII Rapporto Annuale INPS. Allegato ‘Valutare con i dati amministativi: progetti Visitinps Scholars, pp. 61-66. (Contribution also appeared in: Ragioneria generale dello Stato, Bilancio di genere relativo al Rendiconto generale dello Stato 2022, pp. 118-121). [link]

Contini, D., Di Tommaso, M.L., Piazzalunga, D. (2022) Pandemia di COVID-19 e apprendimenti scolastici: che cosa abbiamo imparato? Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 46(4): 236-237.

Del Boca, D., Martino, E.M., Piazzalunga, D. (2017) Investments in Early Education and Child Outcomes: The Short and the Long Run, ifo DICE Report 15 (1): 43-48. [link]

Del Boca, D., Piazzalunga, D., and Pronzato, C. (2017) Early Childcare, Child Cognitive Outcomes and Inequalities in the UK, in H. Blossfeld, N. Kulic, J. Skopek. and M. Triventi (eds.) Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality. An International Perspective, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [link] Available as IZA DP 10287

Villosio, C., Di Tommaso, M.L., Grinza, E., Rossi, M.C., Piazzalunga, D., Mantouvalou, K. and Caisl, J. (2017) Economic benefits of gender equality in the European Union. Literature review: existing evidence and methodological approaches, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) report. [link]

Del Boca, D., Flinn, C., Piazzalunga D., Pronzato, C., Sorrenti, G., and Wiswall, M. (2016) Child Care Policies in Different Countries, Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti Report for the XVIII European Conference [link]

Marchetti, S., Piazzalunga, D., and Venturini, A. (2013) Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility Between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Countries. Country Report: Italy, EuropeAid/130215/C/SER/Multi, Turin [link].