
Below is a list of courses I've taught (and the number of times I've taught them)—syllabi are available upon request.

At New York University (* = graduate course):

NYU Center for Bioethics

Autonomy, Capacity, and Consent* (x2)

Introduction to Bioethics (x7)

Reproductive Ethics* (x4)

Ethics and the Internet: Social Media, Big Data, and Fake News (x3)

Ethics of Reproduction (x4)

Public Health Ethics (x4)

Advanced Introduction to Public Health Ethics* (x2)

Medical Ethics

Justice in Health and Health Care*

NYU Abu Dhabi

Scarcity, Inequality, and Ethics

Reasons, Rationality, and Reasoning


NYU Philosophy Department


Central Problems of Philosophy

Introduction to Logic (x2)

Central Problems of Philosophy

Belief, Truth, and Knowledge

EXCEL Academy @ NYU (high school outreach program)

Blogic (computer-based logic course, with David Velleman) (x4)

New York Institute of Philosophy Outreach Program

Critical Thinking, S.T.A.R High School

Introduction to Epistemology, S.T.A.R High School

At Uppsala University (* = advanced course):

Ethics and the Internet*


Social and Political Philosophy of Language

Ethics, Epistemology, and Explanation*

Disagreement, Evidence, and Defeat

Metaphysical Explanation

Philosophy of Language (x2)

At Stockholm University:

Introduction to Metaethics