
@import "base.css"; html {background:lavender;} /* 200711251358 The use of the MS Vista font candara is controversial */ /* This font displays well in Windows XP only if ClearType is installed and tuned */ /* The usage theory is that any alpha geek who sought the fonts for XP has also */ /* tuned their monitor for the new cleartype fonts in Vista */ /* So why use it? I am impressed by the decade of work on reading and fonts that */ /* MS has poured into the C fonts and am willing to reward a Vista user with their */ /* ludic reading fonts. */ body { background:ghostwhite; color:black; font-family:candara,"trebuchet ms",helvetica,geneva,sans-serif; padding:1em; border:thin solid darkorchid } /* 200710251414 LoVe Hurts, Find Antidote */ a {text-decoration:none} a:link { color: blueviolet } a:visited { color: indigo } a:hover { border:thin solid darkorchid; background:lavender} a:focus { border:thin solid darkorchid; background:lavender} a:active {color: magenta } code {border:thin solid darkorchid;background:lavender;color:black;padding:0.5ex 1em} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr {color: darkorchid} /* modified 200802011313 due to increasing use of orchid on ps81 pages and problems this engenders */ /* for inline images of formulas and equations. This puts the border only on p id image photo constructs */ p[id|=image] img {border:thin solid orchid} math.inline {display:inline;font-size:medium} p[id|=image] {font-style:italic} /* 200807131411 HTML5 lands in XHTML5 serialization with FireFox 3 */ section {display:block;} p.bigfirst:first-letter {background: lavender; color: darkorchid; font-size: 175%; float: left; padding: 0.1em; margin: 0.1em; border: thin solid darkorchid} table {border:thin solid darkorchid;} caption {background:ghostwhite;font-size:smaller;font-style:italic} table.fixheight td {height:1.5em} table.out-of-flow {margin-left:1em} table.out-of-flow caption {background:lavender;font-size:smaller;font-style:italic;margin-left:1em} td { background:white; border: thin solid orchid } th { background:lavender; color: darkorchid;border: thin solid orchid } /* The following cannot be imported without using a CSS switch board approach: @import precedes rules above */ /* Result is that border on body, for example, does not disappear as the stylesheet overwrites the @import rule */ @media print { html {background:white} body {background:white;color:black;padding:0ex;border:none;padding:0} a {text-decoration:none;color:black} a:link {color: black } a:visited {color: black } code {background:white} div {padding:0;border:none} p {color:black} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color:black;page-break-after:avoid;font-size:smaller} ul, ol, dl {page-break-before:avoid} table {border:medium solid black} th {background:whitesmoke;color:black} caption {background:whitesmoke; font-family: tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:smaller} caption.pe {background:whitesmoke; font-family: tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:smaller} td {border:thin solid dimgray} th { background: gainsboro;border:thin solid black} }