Xinggang Wang

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I am a Full Professor in the School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, working on computer vision and deep learning.

I have published 100+ papers in top conferences and journals in computer vision and machine learning, including CVPR, NIPS, ICML, ICCV, ECCV, and IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, etc. My google scholar citation is 20, 000+.

I am leading a research group, that consists of more than 40 graduate students (Ph.D. and Master's), on developing high-performance and weakly-supervised object detection and segmentation algorithms.

I was one of the ten winners of the Microsoft Research Asia Fellow Award in 2012, supported by the CAST Young Talent Support Program (one of the ~180 winners nationwide), the Excellent Young Researcher Award of CAAI in 2021, and the Young Scientist Award of CSIG in 2022.Â