
Whole-Brain Neuroimaging Workshop

1-3 October 2018, Gerês, Portugal

The main aim of this meeting was to promote collaboration and networking between the neuroimaging teams at:

This Workshop covered aspects of Scanning, Processing, Analysing, and Modelling neuroimaging data, including short presentations of current research, discussion of major challenges, and brainstorming sessions.

Emergent Phenomena in Macroscopic Brain Networks

Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 16-17 July 2019, Barcelona, Spain

In this workshop, we brought together top researchers in computational and systems neuroscience who use approaches from theoretical physics, mathematical analysis, dimensionality-reduction techniques and biologically-informed numerical simulations, to reflect and debate on the principles underlying macroscopic brain network dynamics in space, time and frequency domains, how they can be controlled, and their implications for information processing.

Bridging Spatial and Temporal Scales in Brain Connectomics

Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 17 July 2018, Seattle, USA

In this workshop we explored Dynamic Functional Connectivity on different temporal and spatial scales. We aim to review recent results and put them in perspective to understand common points and discrepancies across different neuroimaging communities. In particular, we will target the difficulties faced by methodological approaches when bridging scales due to the differences in how neural dynamics are described.