
I'm interested in the qualitative sorts of behaviour that emerge when many quantum mechanical particles interact with one another. Within this broad area of study, I focus mostly on non-equilibrium quantum phenomena, quantum information, and topological phases. A plethora of exotic phases of matter emerge in such settings, some of which may be harnessed for practical purposes. These include superconductors, superfluids, topological phases, localized phases, time crystals, and Floquet SPTs. As a theorist, I spend most of my time developing analytical and numerical tools to better understand these systems.

My most recent preprints tend to indicate what I'm working on right now. My PhD thesis can be found here. A selection of my contributions follow.

Selected publications

Selected Talks

  1. Time crystals I

  2. Time crystals II (popular summary, Deutsche Welle)

  3. Floquet SPTs

  4. The spread of quantum information.

My research is supported by the UKRI, through a Future Leaders Fellowship.