ASEE 2011

The meeting in Vancouver, BC June 27-29 was remarkably productive. The C2015 report, and the Four Pillars structure were presented and received wide support from the manufacturing division and others. The four key papers presented are listed below as attachments.

The ASEE Manufacturing Division business meeting was held at 11am(PT) on Wed., June 29 and some of the notes from the meeting are given;

Student competition - The SME division sponsored a student competition under the leadership of Dr. Wayne Hung from Texas A&M. This year the project was a design for providing handicapped support for remote grasping. There were a total of $1900 in cash rewards. There will be a similar conference at the meeting next year.

Work In Progress Papers - The ASEE is considering a new paper track entitled 'work in progress' very similar to the FIE model. The thinking is that this may enable more participation by authors only part way through a project.

Other ideas and observations from the conference;

Safety Operating Procedures - Having students write operating procedures for safety will help them appreciate the need for safety.

Disposal of Prototype and Test Materials - have student include plans for disposing project materials to make them aware of the environmental impacts.

Stress Concentrations - have a student hold a piece of paper and pull until it rips. Cut it with scissors and repeat. It is easier to rip because of the stress concentration.

Intellectual Property - Adding IP issues to projects increases student motivation.

Non-Newtonian Flow - Make a silly putty ball and bounce. Leave on table/podium for the lecture. It is flat by the end.

Team Contract - These help create minimum expectations for the team in terms of roles and contributions.

Professional skills - A group has developed materials (called IDEALS) for team and professional skills building in a classroom environment - (ask them for access if you want to see the system)

Manufacturing Program Survey - The manufacturing program survey will be posted on the METEC website

Manufacturing Expo - A major effort in Connecticut resulted in a student orients manufacturing show. Receiving help (and equipment) from many manufacturers, attention from the governor, and thousands of students, the event occupied a major exhibit hall and created a wealth of interest in manufacturing.

PLTW CIM Course - The PLTW group is continuing to improve a HS level course that builds toward workcell design and construction.

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