Herb Lair

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Finding Your Happy Place


               Herb Lair 

    Senior Business Development Consultant 

National and global business development from startup to growing and selling mature businesses.  From traditional businesses to technology. How to go to the next level. When and / or if? 

Cell  (870) 365-6817  herblair@gmail.com

Founder of cable TV customer care and billing software company. Clients in all 50 states nationally, and internationally in over 50 countries. Sold company to industry leader CableData, which now is a part of Amdocs.Took advantage of mini and desktop (PC) computer replacement of the mainframe to grow internationally along with benefit of cross trained staff (Swiss Army Knife approach). Developed a wide range of skills from sales, marketing, HR, R&D, training, customer care,presentations, trade show exhibitor, accounting, and installations.Keys were recognizing and leveraging the advantages of a smaller and flatter management structure to outmaneuver larger competitors. All growth was based on providing the best customer service available.

Capitalizing on the Global Telecom Perfect Storm -- My True Story!



Herb Lair


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