Cost of Scouting

For the most up-to-date and detailed information from Scouts BSA on registration costs see Cost of Cub Scouting.

Costs are broken down in to several categories

Scouts BSA Membership

All youth participating in Cub Scouts must be members of Scouts BSA. The first year of membership including a one time joining fee and an option subscription to the Scout Life magazine is $123.60 as of the 2023/24 season.

Scholarships for this portion of the cost are available through the Council, see a pack leader for details and an application.

Cub Scout Uniform & Book

Details of the uniform for each rank, with a link to their current prices at the Scout Shop can be found HERE 

All scouts are encouraged to own and be in uniform for meeting. The Uniform Assistance Program for Youth provides assistance in purchasing a uniform.

You will purchase your first book with your rank requirements when you join, but in subsequent years the book for your rank will be provided as part of your pack dues.

Pack Dues

Pack dues are used to fund the pack activities for the year, the pack does not receive funds from the council, so the costs of running the program are covered by all participating families

The dues pay for Awards earned for completing Cub Scout requirements, Pack activities including ceremonies, Rocket Launch, Pinewood Derby, Overnight Camp out and more. 

Our budget is created by the members of the pack and is available for members to review.

For the 2023/24 season our Pack dues for new members were $220 per scout. The budget is reviewed and updated every year to determine the dues required that year.

There are two to three fundraisers over the course of the year to give families the opportunity to completely cover the pack  dues.

Extra Activities

Throughout the year opportunities may present themselves for additional activities. These may require a separate registration if you wish to participate. Some examples have been Denver Zoo Scout Days, overnight camp at the Colorado Springs Zoo, Camps put on by the Scouts BSA council, etc. These activities will never be required and no required rank advancement will be solely available at an activity requiring a paid registration.