Tapestry Workshop to be hosted by NCSU

Post date: Mar 26, 2012 8:29:47 PM

The NC State University Computer Science Department will be hosting a Tapestry Workshop for high school teachers July 18-20 on the NCSU campus. The Tapestry workshops were started at the University of Virginia, and NCSU's workshop this year is one of several that are being offered at satellite sites under the UVA program. The Tapestry workshops are an excellent opportunity for high school computing teachers, and CSTA has been a supporter of the Tapestry Workshops for several years.

The announcement about the NCSU workshop is online at http://www.csc2.ncsu.edu/workshops/tag/docs/announcement.pdf. More information about the Tapestry Project in general can be found at the UVA website (http://www.tapestryworkshops.org) and details about the NCSU workshop are available from the NC State web site (http://www.csc2.ncsu.edu/workshops/tag/).