OER (Open Educational Resources)

The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) was initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003. Five core disciplines were identified, namely, civil engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering and mechanical engineering and 235 courses in web/video format were developed in this phase. 

The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. 

DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open-access books and helps users to find trusted open-access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available. 

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open-access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. 

OPEN - DOAJ is a vital part of the global open access infrastructure.

GLOBAL – DOAJ is a global community, with team members, ambassadors and volunteers based in 45 countries around the world, speaking 36 languages.

TRUSTED – Globally DOAJ's standards have become a gold standard for open-access publishing.

E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of links to freely accessible ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit your own ebooks, or add other resources you come across. Look below for the main directory of categories.  

SpringerOpen journals and books are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication. They are subject to high-level peer review, author and production services ensuring quality and reliability of the work. Authors publishing with SpringerOpen retain the copyright to their work, licensing it under a Creative Commons license. 

Open access makes published academic research freely and permanently available so anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research. At Taylor & Francis we champion researcher choice with a variety of open access publishing options to meet the unique needs of each author. 

COLcommons.org is a short-courses platform maintained by the Commonwealth of Learning, which is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government in 1987 to promote the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. For details about COL, visit the Website: https://www.col.org/ 

The B.C. Open Collection is a curated selection of open educational resources (OER) that can be accessed by educators in B.C. and beyond to use in the classroom, in an institutional learning management system, or on other teaching and learning platforms. All materials are openly licensed. This means they are free to use, customize, and share.

The collection includes courses and textbooks, and new resources are being added all the time. To find out when new OER are added to the collection in your subject area.

OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable corporation. As an educational initiative, it's our mission to improve educational access and learning for everyone. Through our partnerships with philanthropic foundations and our alliance with other educational resource companies, we're breaking down the most common barriers to learning. Because we believe that everyone should and can have access to knowledge. 

eCampusOntario is a provincially-funded non-profit organization that leads a consortium of the province’s publicly-funded colleges, universities and indigenous institutes to develop and test online learning tools to advance the use of education technology and digital learning environments.

The US Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program created a free and open online library called SkillsCommons containing free and open learning materials and program support materials for job-driven workforce development. 

SkillsCommons’ mission is to accelerate the democratization of education for all through open educational services and resources enabling individuals, communities, educational institutions, organizations, and businesses to prepare people for successful employment in the 21st Century. 

The LibreTexts mission is to unite students, faculty and scholars in a cooperative effort to develop an easy-to-use online platform for the construction, customization, and dissemination of open educational resources (OER) to reduce the burdens of unreasonable textbook costs to our students and society.  

Saylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses to all who want to learn. We offer nearly 100 full-length courses at the college and professional levels, each of which is available right now — at your pace, on your schedule, and free of cost.