Dec. 7, 2024: Congrats to my Ph.D. student, Mr. Jian Zheng, for his paper being accepted by INFOCOM 2025. Title: “Justitia: An Incentive Mechanism towards the Fairness of Cross-shard Transactions.” To download this paper:
Sep. 19, 2024: I have been recognized in the World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists again.
Apr. 23, 2024: We've got 3 papers accepted by ICDCS 2024! Congrats to team members Dr. Taotao Li, Jialiang, and Mr. Chun Wang. [论文介绍-微信公众号文章]
Feb. 9, 2024: My Google Scholar citations hit 5000!
Jan. 2024: I am invited to be a TPC track co-chair for the IEEE Global Blockchain Conference. This conference will be held in Shanghai on August 21-23, 2024. [ TPC ]
Jan. 12, 2024: I am invited to join the program committee of ICDCS 2024 (44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems), Blockchain Track, and Industrial and Interdisciplinary Studies of Distributed Systems and Applications Track. [ TPC ]
Dec. 1, 2023: Great News! Our 2 papers titled “Broker2Earn: Towards Maximizing Broker Revenue and System Liquidity for Sharded Blockchains” and “Account Migration across Blockchain Shards using Fine-tuned Lock Mechanism” have been accepted by INFOCOM 2024. Big congrats to my Ph.D. student Mr. Qinde Chen (陈钦德) and my master-program student Mr. Yue Lin (林岳). Good job! [论文介绍-知乎专栏文章]
Nov. 8, 2023: We have provided a technical paper for our BlockEmulator, which is a blockchain experiment tool that enables researchers to verify their proposed new protocols and mechanisms, particularly blockchain sharding protocols. Check out our guidebook from [arXiv article].
Oct. 26, 2023: I have been invited to give a talk in the forum of Web3 at CNCC 2023, Shenyang. The title of my talk is "Building Infrastructure for Web3: Improving the Scalability of Blockchains using Sharding".
Oct. 11, 2023: I have been on the World Ranking of the Top 2% Scientists List (October 2023).
Oct. 8, 2023: I am invited to join the technical program committee for the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC'2024).
Sep. 6, 2023: I've been appointed Youth Editorial Board Member for the ELSP Journal Blockchain (ISSN 2959-1260) [Editorial Board].
Aug. 17, 2023: HuangLab has organized 2 academic forums on blockchain at two prestigious CCF conferences. See more details in our blog (In Chinese):
May. 13, 2023: Good News! We made our experimental tool for blockchain research open-source. This tool is named blockEmulator. Visit our websites –>> (Chinese version), and (Eng. version).
May. 11, 2023: Good News! Our paper “Scheduling Most Valuable Committees for the Sharded Blockchain” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN/TNet). Congratulations to my group! [ PDF ] [公众号介绍文章]
Apr 13, 2023: Good News! Our paper ``Adaptive Double-Spending Attacks on PoW-based Blockchains” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), which is a top journal in the field of Cyber Security. Congratulations to my student Jian Zheng (郑简)! [ 论文介绍 ]
Mar. 30, 2023: Good News! Our paper ``tMPT: Reconfiguration across Blockchain Shards via Trimmed Merkle Patricia Trie" has been accepted by IEEE IWQoS 2023! [论文介绍]
Feb. 20, 2023: Good News! Our paper ``GriDB: Scaling Blockchain Database via Sharding and Off-Chain Cross-Shard Mechanism" has been accepted by VLDB 2023!
Feb. 16, 2023: Invited by IEEE New Zealand North Section Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) Group, I gave an online talk titled ``Exploring Blockchain Scalability using Sharding Techniques" on Feb. 23, 2023. [ IEEE Event page ]
Jan. 28, 2023: I am invited to serve as an editorial board member for the Journal of Blockchains (MDPI, ISSN 2813-5288) [Editorial Board].
Jan. 19, 2023: My first ever science book titled ``From Blockchain to Web3" (in Chinese) will be published in Oct. 2023. Welcome to download the preview version from [my blog].
Dec. 22, 2022: Great News! Our paper “From Technology to Society: An Overview of Blockchain-Based DAO,” wins the runner-up for the 2021 Best Paper Award from IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This award is recognized by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board. [News Page]
Dec. 12, 2022: Our latest survey article ``Economic Systems in Metaverse: Basics, State of the Art, and Challenges" has been submitted to ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). Please find our paper from [arXiv page].
Dec. 5, 2022: I am invited to serve IEEE SERVICES 2023 as one of the Congress Advisory Program Chairs.
Nov.7, 2022: We have published a survey article related to Web3.0. The title is “When Digital Economy Meets Web3.0: Applications and Challenges“. [arXiv page]
Aug. 26, 2022: We have released the white paper of our recent project titled "Consensusless Blockchain (CB chain)", which is promising to lead the next-generation blockchain protocols in the era of Web3. See our white paper from [arXiv link].
July 1, 2022: Good News! I have been elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
June 18th, 2022: Good News! Our paper “Achieving Scalability and Load Balance across Blockchain Shards for State Sharding” is accepted by the 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2022). [PDF]
Apr 4th, 2022: Good News! Our paper “ContextFL: Context-aware Federated Learning by Estimating the Training and Reporting Phases of Mobile Clients” has been accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2022. [PDF], [Video]
Mar 29th, 2022: Our blockchain paper titled "BrokerChain: A Cross-Shard Blockchain Protocol for Account/Balance-based State Sharding" is going to appear at INFOCOM 2022. [PDF]
Jan. 16th, 2022: Good News! Our paper titled "Elastic Resource Allocation against Imbalanced Transaction Assignments in Sharding-based Permissioned Blockchains" [PDF] has been online published by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
Short Bio, CV, and Links
Huawei Huang earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Aizu (Japan) in 2016. His research interests include Distributed Computing/Systems, Communication, and Information Systems, particularly Blockchain, Web3, and DeFi protocols. He has served as a JSPS research fellow, a visiting scholar at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a program-specific Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, Japan.
My CV (updated on Jan.26, 2025)
Huawei Huang is now an Associate Professor at the School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.
Email: huanghw28[at] ( [at] -> @ )
Lab Page:
Other Academic Pages: [ResearchGate], [Google Scholar] [blockEmulator]
Research Interests
Blockchain Infrastructure (Consensus Protocols, Network, Storage)
Protocol Design and Security Issues of Web3 and DeFi
Distributed Systems and Computing
2019~: Associate Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University (China)
April.2018~2019: Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Kyoto University (Japan)
May.2017~March.2018: Post-doc visiting scholar, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
April.2016~March.2018: JSPS Research Fellow, University of Aizu (Japan)
2022 ~ present: Web3 and Metaverse, undergraduate course, Code: SSE1001
2022 ~ present: Blockchain Principles and Technologies, undergraduate/graduate course, Code: DCS6290, SSE311
2020 ~ present: Experimental Courses of Blockchain Technologies, undergraduate course, Code: SSE313
2019 ~ present: Writing Skills for Scientific Papers, (teaching in English), undergraduate/graduate courses, Code: SSE336
At SYSU, I focus on several research projects on blockchain Layer1 and Layer2, Web3/Metaverse Protocols, and Distributed Computing/Protocols.
At Kyoto University, I was in charge of promoting a Horizon2020 EU-Japan joint research project:
Editor, Guest Editor
Editorial Board Member
MDPI Journal of Blockchains (ISSN: 2813-5288), Editorial Board [Editorial Board]
International Journal of Web Information Systems (ISSN: 1744-0084), Editorial Advisory Board [Editorial Board]
Transactions on Emerging Telecom. Technologies (Wiley), Editorial Board [Editorial Board]
Blockchain (ELSP), Youth Editorial Board Member
Guest Editor
(Lead GE) Blockchain (ELSP), special issue on "Blockchains Infrastructure for Web3: Technologies, Tools, and Applications" [URL]
(Lead GE) IEEE JSAC special issue on Intelligent Blockchain. [URL] (closed)
(Lead GE) IEEE OJ-CS Special Issue on Fusing Blockchain and AI with Metaverse: Technologies, Trends, and Applications [CFP] (closed)
IEEE OJ-CS Special Issue on Blockchain Intelligence: Technologies and Applications. [URL] (closed)
Chairing Conferences & Workshops
TPC member
IEEE ICDCS 2024, TPC Member, Blockchain Track, and Industrial and Interdisciplinary Studies of Distributed Systems and Applications Track [URL]
Conference PC Chair
2026, IEEE ICC 2026, symposium co-chair, Symposium of Communication & Information System Security
2024, VTC Fall, track co-chair, Track: Recent Results
2024, BlockSys 2024, program co-chair
2024, IEEE Global Blockchain Conference 2024, Track co-chair, Track5: Integration of Blockchain, Data Elements & AI [URL]
2023, Executive Programming Chair of IEEE ICWS 2023 [URL]
2023, IEEE SERVICES 2023 Congress Advisory Program Chair [URL]
2021, The inaugural IEEE Symposium on Blockchain at IEEE SERVICES 2021 [URL]
IEEE iThings 2022 Workshop on Integrating metaverse with blockchain and 6G for next-generation IoT
IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 Workshop on Scalable, Secure and Intelligent Blockchain for Future Networking and Communications
IEEE Symposium on Blockchain at SERVICES 2021.
Session Chair
Awards and Honors
Dec. 2023: 2022 Best Paper Award, from IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (OJ-CS).
Oct. 2023: Dr. Huawei Huang has been recognized in the World Ranking of the Top 2% of Scientists (October 2023).
Jan. 2023: Sun Yat-sen University has recognized Dr. Huawei Huang as an outstanding young scientist.
Dec. 2022: 2021 Best Paper Award (runner-up), from IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (OJ-CS).
Aug. 2016: Best Paper Award, IEEE TrustCom2016
Apr. 2016 ~ Mar. 2018: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
Oct. 2013 ~ Mar. 2016: Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Foreign Students
Jan. 2015: 2014 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award
Funding and Grants
A. Research Funds as PI
NSFC General Program, Blockchain scalability, FY2023-2026, PI
National Key & Dev. Program of China, Blockchain scalability, FY2022-2025, Co-PI
CCF-Huawei Industrial Project, Blockchain's scalability, FY2022-2023, PI
National Key & Dev. Program of China, Federated Learning topic, FY2021-2023, Co-PI
NSFC of Young Scientist Program, Edge Computing topic, FY2020-2022, PI
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China, FY2019-2021, PI
Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, FY2019-2022, PI
Kyoto University Research Fund for Young Scientists (Start-up) FY 2018, Detail: (京都大学若手研究者スタートアップ研究費), JPY ¥830K.
B. Other Grants
1) Scholarship for Ph.D. Study. Oct. 2013 ~ Mar. 2016: Japanese Government Scholarship for Foreign Students (日本政府文部科学省国費外国人留学生奨学金)2) Travel-Grant for Attending International Conferences¥290K JPY, Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Feb. 2015.¥200K JPY, NEC C&C Foundation, Oct. 2014.¥52K JPY, Aizu-Foundation Travel Grant, Apr. 2014.¥20K JPY, Aizu Industry-Academic Scholarship, Apr. 2014Books
Huawei Huang, Jiajing Wu, Zibin Zheng, (2023), “From Blockchain to Web3 & Metaverse,” Springer, August 2023. ISBN 978-981-99-3647-2.
Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng, Huawei Huang (2023), “Blockchain Scalability,” Springer, June 2023. ISBN 978-981-99-1058-8.
黄华威,杨青林、林建入、郑子彬,《从区块链到 Web3》,人民邮电出版社,2023年12月出版.
Selected Publications: (* represents the corresponding author)
Jian Zheng (郑简,博士生), Huawei Huang* (黄华威, corresponding author), Yinqiu Liu, Taotao Li, Hong-Ning Dai, Zibin Zheng, “Justitia: An Incentive Mechanism towards the Fairness of Cross-shard Transactions,” accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), May 2025, London UK. (CCF-A, Top-tier Conference) [公众号文章介绍]
X. He, Huawei Huang* (黄华威, corresponding author), B. Xie, C. Wang, R. Li, H. Cui, and Z. Zheng, “HiveFL: GAN-Empowered Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning With Self-Determining Clients,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN), early access, 2025.
Huawei Huang (黄华威), Yue Lin (林岳, 硕士生), Zibin Zheng*, “Account Migration across Blockchain Shards using Fine-tuned Lock Mechanism,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 20–23 May 2024, Vancouver, Canada. (CCF-A, Top-tier Conference) [公众号文章介绍]
Qinde Chen (陈钦德, 博士生), Huawei Huang* (黄华威), Zhaokang Yin (殷昭伉), Guang Ye (叶光), Qinglin Yang (杨青林), “Broker2Earn: Towards Maximizing Broker Revenue and System Liquidity for Sharded Blockchains,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 20–23 May 2024, Vancouver, Canada. (CCF-A, Top-tier Conference) [论文介绍-知乎专栏文章]
Huawei Huang, Xiaowen Peng, Yue Lin, Miaoyong Xu, Guang Ye, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “Scheduling Most Valuable Committees for the Sharded Blockchain,” IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN/TNet), vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 3284-3299, 2023. (CCF-A, Top-tier Journal) [ PDF ] [公众号介绍文章]
Jian Zheng, Huawei Huang*, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “Adaptive Double-Spending Attacks on PoW-based Blockchains,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Apr. 20, 2023, pp.1-13. (CCF-A, Top-tier Journal) [ PDF ] [ 论文介绍 ]
Huawei Huang, Yetong Zhao, Zibin Zheng*, “tMPT: Reconfiguration across Blockchain Shards via Trimmed Merkle Patricia Trie,” IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2023. [ PDF ] [ 论文介绍 ]
Huawei Huang, Xiaowen Peng, Jianzhou Zhan, Shenyang Zhang, Yue Lin, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “BrokerChain: A Cross-Shard Blockchain Protocol for Account/Balance-based State Sharding,” INFOCOM, May 2022. (CCF-A, Top-tier conference in the field of Computer Networking) [PDF]
Huawei Huang, Zhengyu Yue, Xiaowen Peng, Liuding He, Wuhui Chen, Hong-Ning Dai, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, "Elastic Resource Allocation against Imbalanced Transaction Assignments in Sharding-based Permissioned Blockchains", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 33, No. 10, pp.2372 –2385, Oct. 2022. (Top-tier journal in the field of Distributed Computing and Systems) (CCF-A, Top-tier Journal) [PDF]
Canlin Li, Huawei Huang*, Yetong Zhao, Xiaowen Peng, Ruijie Yang, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “Achieving Scalability and Load Balance across Blockchain Shards for State Sharding,” the 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2022. [PDF]
Huawei Huang, Ruixin Li, Jialiang Liu, Sicong Zhou, Kangying Lin, Zibin Zheng, “ContextFL: Context-aware Federated Learning by Estimating the Training and Reporting Phases of Mobile Clients,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2022. (Top-tier conference in the field of Distributed Computing and Systems) [PDF], [Video]
Huawei Huang, Zhenyi Huang, Xiaowen Peng, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “MVCom: Scheduling Most Valuable Committees for the Large-Scale Sharded Blockchain,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2021. (分布式计算领域顶会 / Top-tier conference in the field of Distributed Computing Systems) [PDF][Slides]
Jian Zheng, Canlin Li, Huawei Huang*, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “Revisiting Double-Spending Attacks on the Bitcoin Blockchain: New Findings,” IWQoS 2021. [PDF][Slides]
Huawei Huang, Wei Kong, Sicong Zhou, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “A Survey of State-of-the-Art on Blockchains: Theories, Modelings, and Tools,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 54, no. 2, March 2021
Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Kun Wang, and Yasuo Okabe, "Coflow-like Online Data Acquisition from Low-Earth-Orbit Datacenters", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Volume: 19, Issue: 12, pp.2743 – 2760, Dec 1st, 2020 (DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019.2936202) [PDF] [RG-Page]
Sizong Zhou, Huawei Huang*, Wuhui Chen, Pan Zhou, Zibin Zheng, Song Guo, “PIRATE: A Blockchain-based Secure Framework of Distributed Machine Learning in 5G Networks“, IEEE Network, 2020. [PDF]
Qiheng Zhou, Huawei Huang*, Zibin Zheng, and Jing Bian, “Solutions to Scalability of Blockchain: A Survey”, IEEE Access, vol.8, no.1, pp.16440-16455, 2020. [PDF], ESI highly cited paper.
Huakun Huang, Lingjun Zhao, Huawei Huang*, Song Guo, "Machine Fault Detection for Intelligent Self-Driving Networks", accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 58, Issue No. 1, pp. 40-46, January 2020. DOI:10.1109/MCOM.001.1900283 [PDF] [RG-Page]
Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Kun Wang, and Albert Y. Zomaya, " Green Data-Collection from Geo-distributed IoT Networks through Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN) , vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 806-816, September 2019. [PDF]
Huawei Huang, and Song Guo, “Proactive Failure Recovery for NFV in Distributed Edge Computing", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 131-137, March 2019, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2019.1701366. [PDF]
Jinsong Wu, Song Guo, Huawei Huang, William Liu and Yong Xiang, “Information and Communications Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals: State-of-the-Art, Needs and Perspectives”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 2389-2406, 2018.
Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Kun Wang, “Envisioned Wireless Big Data Storage for Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite based Cloud", IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 26-31, February 2018.
Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, and Kun Wang, "Online Green Data Gathering from Geo-distributed IoT Networks via LEO Satellites", IEEE ICC2018, Kansas City, MO, May, 2018 (Slides)
Before 2018:
[1] Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Keqiu Li, Baoliu Ye and Weihua Zhuang, "Near-Optimal Routing Protection for In-Band Software-Defined Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 16, no. 20, pp. 7421-7432, October 2016. (PDF)
[2] Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Peng Li, Weifa Liang and Albert Y. Zomaya, “Cost Minimization for Rule Caching in Software Defined Networking”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1007-1016, April 2016. (PDF)
[3] Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Peng Li, Baoliu Ye and Ivan Stojmenovic, “Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network”, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 3488-3499, Dec. 2015. (PDF)
[4] Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Jinsong Wu and Jie Li, “Service Chaining for Hybrid Network Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1082-1094, Oct-Dec 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017.2721401 (PDF)
[5] Huawei Huang, Peng Li, Song Guo, Weifa Liang and Kun Wang, “Near-Optimal Deployment of Service Chains by Exploiting Correlations between Network Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2017, In Press, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017.2780165 (PDF)