

The Cseszneky surname, which has been borne by the family for centuries with different spellings, finds its origin in the place name Csesznek. In Veszprém county, in the Bakony mountains, we can still admire the picturesque ruins of Csesznek Castle. The village and the castle were first mentioned as Cezneyc in the 13th century. The name itself comes from the Slavic word čestnik, which means royal office-bearer. In the Middle Ages, the forms Cesnek, Cheznek, Chesnek were in use, whereas later it was spelled as Csesznek or Csesznegh. According to these variations the name of the family was also written in different forms: de Cheznek in Latin, and later Chezneky, Chieszneky, Cesneki, Cesneky, Czeznegi, Cseszneki and Cseszneghi. On our webiste we will use the standard Cseszneky spelling.

The name of the family in Croatian texts was also written as Česnegić and Česnegradski.


It is worth mentioning that in the Middle Ages existed several settlements called Csesznek in Hungary, one of them in Pozsega county was named after the family. According to records from the 15th century, in Pozsega county there were several Cseszneks: Felsewchesnek, Kezepchesnek and Alsowchesnek with Migalóc were known as the Four-Cseszneks. During the rule of the Hunyadis, another Csesznek belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary: a castle known today in Serbian as Čestin is located not far from Kragujevac.

The ruins of Csesznek

Titles of nobility 

During the centuries the Cseszneky family hold different noble titles according to their estates of the time. The most common territorial designations were: de Csesznek(vár), de Enese, de Csécsény, de Kisbabot, de Szentkáta, de Kisbudafa, de Tejfalu, de Nemesvarbók, de Milvány, de Nicopolis and de Monte Carmelo.


Wildgraves of the Bakony: Early 13th century.

Royal donation for Gönyű village: 1244. Mihály de genere Bana

Angevin fiefdom: 13-14th centuries.

New royal donation: 1403.

Royal donation for Kisbabot village: Vienna, 14 November 1534 for György Cseszneky.

Count of the Sacred Palace of Lateran: before 1547: György Cseszneky.

Right to use red wax: Prague, 12 August 1597 for Mátyás Cseszneky.

Armorial patent: Vienna, 8 March 1626 for Benedek Cseszneky, his wife, Sára Kánya de Budafalva, also for Jakab Patonyi and his wife, Anna Kánya, furthermore for Boldizsár Kánya and his sister, Erzsébet. Vienna, 15 April 1718 for Éva Cseszneky, his husband, György Kalocsay and their children: Pál, Éva and Terézia.

Authorization of comital title in Croatia: 1941.

Dynastic statute on titles: 1943.

Recognition of titles and princely (Kangjeng Pangeran) rank in the Kingdom of Mangkualaman (Pakualaman): 2023.