Download and Install

How to Download

You can download the final application from the three links below, source code or one of the runnable jars (desktop or wall).

All the provided files are in zip format, you should extract then before proceeding further.

How to Install

Runnable Jar

Once you have downloaded the file from the above link, double click on the .zip file tu unzip it. Then open a terminal, 

change directory to the one where the file is located, then enter the following command:

Source Code

You will download an Eclipse project. Therefore you'll need to have it installed on your computer. To download the latest

version of Eclipse, click here

Once you have installed Eclipse, open it and select

Follow the instructions and select the project folder. Once imported you will probably need to add the libraries to the build path. 

Right click on a library (it is listed under the main project folder), Add to Build Path.

 Before running the application, you'll need to edit the Running Configuration, as to increase the heap space, 

otherwise the map will fail loading the tiles. To do so, 

Add a new Java Application configuration, select the project, then click on the Arguments tab. Under VM arguments insert

where 2048 is the amount of RAM you want to give to the heap space.