Crookedwood Gaa

Upcoming events.

Crookedwood GAA Notes

Child Safeguarding & Garda Vetting

Please note that Child Safeguarding, Garda Vetting and Foundation Coaching courses for all coaches is required and essential as part of GAA and LGFA requirements. This is a great time to make sure you are up to date in all areas. If you need further clarification or information on available courses, please contact Niall O’Brien on 087-1473360

Community Employment Scheme

There are vacancies available to be filled asap in the Taghmon/Multyfarnham/Castlepollard community employment scheme. There are two caretaker vacancies in Crookedwood GAA Park and one caretaker vacancy in Crookedwood Village. Contact any club member or call Frank on 0449661894


Results for Thursday 4th march for a jackpot of €6,150: numbers drawn were 5,7,13,20. The jackpot was not won, and the following were the prize winners: Gerry McCarthy (annual ticket), Colin Murray (online) and Jackie Connell (annual ticket). Our next draw will be on Thursday 18th March. Like all clubs, normal fundraising activities have been put on hold for the foreseeable future. To that end we are asking all club supporters, near and far to support our lotto as this is the only means we have available to pay the bills. You can now play online via the link; and search for CrookedwoodGAAClub/lotto. It is easy to play and set-up an account if you wish to do so. For smartphone users there is also an app called Klubapp where you can select Crookedwood as your club and play the lotto at the touch of a button. This gives Crookedwood people all over the world a simple option to support the club. We are still accepting cash payments if the online method is not for you. There is also an option to pay in advance for a year, please contact any club member and the paperwork can be posted or emailed to you. Thank you for your continued support.


Membership is now due for 2021. It can be paid online on our Klubfunder page, please contact any committee member for more info or to pay your membership. The membership rates are as follows: Adult (over 18 player/mentor/committee) membership is €40, Family €80, Student (over 18) €30, Underage €25, Social Member (giving insured access to walking track) €25. Renewing online is straightforward but if anyone runs into difficulty please contact me on 087-7867663

The Lake County Movathon

We call on all Westmeath Gaels, at home and abroad, to take part in our Lake County Movathon challenge to help raise vital funds (for all our county teams and to help in the refurbishment of our home TEG Cusack Park) and to also improve our physical and mental wellbeing. This unique initiative, which is being led by our county stars, will started on Monday March 1st and will run until Monday April 5th. Make sure to tag Westmeathgaaofficial, WestmeathLadies GAA & Westmeath Camogie Page. and to include the hashtag #lakecountychallenge after you participate in the challenge and/or donate to our GoFundMe page so we can share across our social media channels. Also, in these difficult times, make sure to adhere to all national restrictions/guidelines wherever you may be located when taking part. All your support is greatly appreciated.

National Club Draw Tickets

Tickets are now on sale for the GAA National Club Draw. The tickets are priced at €10 each and there are lots of quality prizes on offer, including a car. This is a risk-free opportunity for the club as all ticket sales monies goes directly into our club funds.

Community help

As we have moved into a Level 5 lockdown again, we would like to reassure you that Crookedwood GAA is available to help all in the community with anything and everything that needs to be done, e.g., to get your shopping, prescriptions, fuel supplies, etc. If you, or someone you know needs assistance, please contact any of the following or any committee member. Feichin Brennan (087-6744651), Gerry Butler (087-4129846), Derek Orme (086-8736636), Deirdre Orme (087-0547791), Ciaran McKenna (087-2777444), Barbara Orme (087-6103611).

Walking Track

Even though all GAA activities have been suspended, the walking track will be open and lit up every evening for paid up members to avail of a safe area to exercise. Social distancing guidelines must be adhered to while using the track.


I can be contacted at 087-7867663 or via email at the following:

Lotto Jackpot;


Latest Draw; 4th March

Numbers; 5,7, 13, 20

No Jackpot Winner

Prize Winners;

Colin Murray (Online)

Jackie Connell (Annual Ticket)

Gerry McCarthy (Annual Ticket)

Play online at;

Tickets are available from any committee member-thank you for your continued support.


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