Local Artists, Authors and Artisans

Crockets Trading Company is very proud to be home to an ever expanding number of local artists, authors and artisans.

Local Artists & Photographers 

Kari Lehr Art

Karen Tamminga-Paton Artwork

Judy Trafford Art 

Art by Heli Rantala 

Tex Wiebe Art 

Stacie Ann Haugen Pencil & Charcoal Art

Launstein Imagery 

 Karen Manzer Photography 

Peter Amundsen Photography 

Local Authors

Krysta MacDonald - Fiction

Dr. David Perrin - Humour  

Sid Marty - Non-Fiction & Poetry

Douglas Rawling - Western Fiction

Tyler Trafford - Fiction 

Cathy Beveridge - Historical Non-Fiction

Joey Ambrosi - Local Hiking Guide

Ron Montgomery - Short Stories 

Michael J. Leeb - Poetry 

 Frances Riviere - Memoir

Joni MacFarlane - Cookbooks  

Local Artisans 

Rocky Mountain Rugs 

Fledgling Creations

Willow Valley Soapworts

Mystery Party Night Games

Crowsnest Coffee Company

Deep in the West Pottery Studio