Features to look for in summer fabrics

There are diverse fabrics available in the market that satisfies the need of different climate patterns. If you want a lace for dress to make it summary you need to opt for the suitable fabric. Crochet lace also meet the need of summer clothing but there are certain features that you ought to look for in a summer fabric. Fancy fabric manufacturers highlight certain features to look for in summer fabrics which are as follows.

Quality and weight

Natural fibers are comparatively more preferred fabrics for summers than the synthetics. These allow your skin to breathe by warding off the heat. On a whole natural fabric are gentle to touch and offer the cooling effect in comparison to the synthetic materials that lack the cooling properties. Beside quality, other thing that you need to explore is the weight of the fabric. The summer fabrics are the ones that are lighter in addition to being sheer and soft besides silky. In case the fabric is heavy it will make you sweat a lot.

Breathability and colour

Another thing that you need to check is the weave of the fabric. The breathable ones are those that are made with the fine threads as well as in a loose weave. Though all of us tend to have the colour preferences but it is a proven fact that for summers, it is the light colours that works the best to deal with the summer heat as these are perfect at reflecting the light. Instead of opting for the clingy silhouettes you must also prefer the looser cuts as well as shapes as these do not hamper the blood circulation.

All in all, these are the features to look for in summer fabrics that will help you choose the best fabric.

Source: http://crochetlacedelhi.aircus.com/features-to-look-for-in-summer-fabrics