Working Papers
"Labor market inequality of opportunity: A comparative analysis of Brazil and India" (with Tista Kundu, Daniel Duque and Valeria Pero). (Download)
"Brazil: self-inflicted pain", Panorama du CEPII Series N°2016-03, July, 2016, and Document de Recherche ESSEC / Centre de recherche de l’ESSEC, ISSN : 1291-9616, WP 1611, 2016. (Download)
"Exchange Rate Dynamics under Financial Market Frictions" (with Hyunjoo Ryou), Thema Working Paper n°2015-03, Université de Cergy Pontoise. (Download)
"The Development of Comparative Advantage in Agriculture: Comparison of Cases of Brazil and South Africa" (Download)
"The Political Economy of Exchange Rate in Brazil", Ensaios Econômicos EPGE n. 656, 10/2007.(EconPolcambio)