The Crestview Community is located at the Southwest corner of Highway 36 (N. Foothills Hwy) and Lefthand Canyon Drive.  It consists of Crestview Estates (sub-divisions) as well as neighbors and adjoining properties.    The area, north of Boulder, was developed in 1966/1967 and consists of around 150 unique, custom homes on naturally landscaped lots. 

The Crestview area maintains a voluntary community association.  It is the Crestview Estates Residents Group or CERG.  The organization uses collected dues ($25/property/year, yes per year!) to maintain the entrance, keep a street light burning, provide community social events, and organize projects that benefit everyone.  Your support is both welcomed and appreciated!  You can pay dues below, or use the "Join CERG" page link on the left for more options.  Thanks!