Writing, Art, & Loves

Sandra Ann Jobling, Bach Arts; B Theol; Dip Min; Grad Dip Theol.

Sandra graduated from Deakin University with majors in literature, Australian studies and history. Dipping into book reviewing at the Geelong Advertiser her reviews led her to an interview with Bishop John Shelby Spong—published in Insights, Sydney. Sandra has published in the Geelong Advertiser, short stories, poetry and articles in local papers and small press publications. She studied theology at UFT Melbourne taking creative classes alongside main stream studies. Sandra was Vice President of Geelong Writers. Today she is writing an historical novel.

Andrea’s Freedom, © Sandra Ann Jobling

Woven by Andrea’s hands

coloured silk thread tints Shakespeare’s death mask

each evening of Andrea’s making

signs of decay

thread through the eye of a silver needle

brother Milton knew death was not freedom

death is an act

embossed in symbolism

caressed by silk thread Andrea’s hands

tireless in their loving adoration

labour deftly.